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Family Feud with Richard Dawson

1976 – 1st episode

8/6/76 - "Tea Bag" answer

9/13/76 - Blooper during face-off

9/16/76 - question about game show hosts

11/29/76 - 1st question gets thrown out

1977 – Dietle vs. Farrell – 7 points scored during one round of fast money!

1977 – Finn vs. Huse – Contestant breaks buzzer!

1977 - episode with censored fast money round answer

1977 - 2nd syndicated show - Schwinn vs. Finkel

9/2/77 - York vs. Lewis - awful playing of Fast Money - infamous "Alligator" answer

1978 – Stuebs vs. Odom – First solo player win in fast money

3/5/79 - 1st game with 300 point rule

1979 - Fast money is played on cue cards!

1979 - Sammy Davis Jr. hosts a question

1979 - A question gets thrown out

1979 - Contestant needs a bathroom break during fast money

1979 - Richard recalls Howard Felsher being clocked in the head by the board

1979 - Fast money ruling is reversed

1979 - Rutenbars from MCOAL are contestants

1980 - 1980-81 syndicated premiere

1980 - Syndicated episode - Malony vs. Crezee

1980 - Day 1 of World Series week - Phillies vs. Royals

1980 - Day 4 of World Series week - Phillies vs. Royals

2/14/80 - Face off blooper

1980 - Richard gets booed for not arguing against the judge 

1980 - fallen light blub

1980 -  Dawson’s birthday is celebrated – both families play fast money

1980 – Trejo vs. Tunstall – the infamous “September” blooper

1980 – Trejo vs. Song – Day after “September” with a solo fast money win!

1980 – Fast money round of 197 points scored by first player

6/9/81 - SYNDICATED - Birge vs. Knox

1983 - The lollipop tree is destroyed

1984 - question on game show hosts

1984 - 1st syndicated show with $400 point rule to win

1985 - Clock has to be stopped twice during fast money as Richard loses it

1985 - September II happens

1985 - Rezzos become the all time top money winners

1985 – Heath vs. Steves – Infamous “who do you make conversation with” question

5/16/85 – Final episode with Richard Dawson’s farewell speech

1983 - Syndicated Show - McCants vs. Mirarchi

1985 - Syndicated show - Beaird vs. Watson

1994 – Richard’s return – 1 hour episode

Oct. 1994 - Halloween show - Davis vs. Llorens and then Davis vs. Missakian

1994 – The “September” family returns to play!


Family Feud with Ray Combs

1988 – Flory vs. Rameriez - Ray is picked up like a baby by a huge football player after fast money win

1988 - Whitehead vs. O’Hara – Whiteheads score 200 points during the 1st round of fast money!

1988 - Thomas vs. Taylor – Taylors score 200 points during the 1st round of fast money!

1989 - episode with censored main game answer - Terra vs. Deboy - "Bird shit" is censored

1994 - Conley vs. Mack - from GSN theatre

1994 - Takahashi vs. Cobb - from GSN theatre


Family Feud with Louie Anderson

1999 - Gugliemi vs. Dower - First episode - $10,000 win

1999 - Schilling vs. Jones - 2nd episode

1999 - Caldwell vs. Graham - 3rd episode

1999 - Conway vs. Torres - 4th episode

1999 - Jackson vs. Stone - $10,000 win - From the My13 Los Angeles affiliate of Buzzr

1999 - Thomas vs. Kasprzyk - $10,000 win - From My13

1999 - Simmons vs. Dukes - From My13

1999 - Taber vs. Bloomer - From My13

1999 - Dawson vs. Marble - $10,000 and "Sea beast" answer to a question about the most dangerous creature in the sea! - From My13

1999 - Kessler vs. Gillaspie - From My13

1999 - Harrison vs. Givens - From My13

1999 - Tanner vs. Beeman - From My13 - $10,000 win

1999 - Jacobsen vs. Gibson - From My13

1999 - Rogers vs. Quitral - From My13

1999 - Dahlson vs. Rosa - From My13

1999 - Hodge vs. Ragole - From My13

1999 - Jones vs. Shukiar - From My13 - $10,000 win

1999 - Springer vs. Betten - From My13 - $10,000 win

1999 - Colborn vs. Hicks - From My13

1999 - Jandrey vs. Martinez - From My13

1999 - Piedrahita vs. Stephens - From My13

1999 - Galvin vs. Rodriguez - From My13 - $10,000 win

1999 - Bregman vs. Allen - From My13 - $10,000 win and infamous "Name a part of the body that gets bigger as you get older" question

1999 - Dangaard vs. Bufkin - From My13

1999 - Escandon vs. Handwerker - From My13 - $10,000 win

1999 - Farrell vs. May - Infamous "Name a landmark in America" answer in Fast Money!

1999 - Noble vs. Saldana

1999 - Kim vs. Ayala


Family Feud with Richard Karn

2006 – Torres vs. Hobbs - $20,000 WIN – I work with Jenae Torres at Chaffey College currently!


Family Feud with Steve Harvey

2014 - Horrible Fast Money round

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