Price is Right 1997-99 episodes
1/10/97 - Cover Up, Plinko, Freeze Frame, Make Your Move, Dice Game, Penny Ante
1/14/97 - Super Ball, Barkers Bargain Bar, Lucky 7, Squeeze Play, Grand Game, Dice Game
1/15/97 - Range Game, 5 Price Tags, Safe Crackers, 1 Right Price, Temptation, Now or Then
1/16/97 - Split Decision, Hi-Lo, Easy as 1-2-3, Double Prices, Plinko, One Away
1/21/97 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Race Game, Double Prices, Plinko, Money Game
1/23/97 - card game, hi lo, take 2, magic number, pathfinder, side by side
1/27/97 – Most Expensive, Grocery Game, 10 Chances, 1 Right Price, Plinko, 2 for the Price of 1
1/28/97 – Lucky 7, Swam Meet, Shell Game, Side by Side, 1 Away, Grand Game
1/30/97 - Golden Road, cliffhangers, Easy as 1-2-3, Barkers Bargain Bar, dice game, Now or Then
2/5/97 – Switch, 10 Chances, Penny Ante, Easy as 1-2-3, Spelling Bee, Pick a Number
2/7/97 - 3 Strikes, Plinko, Most Expensive, Double Prices, Cover Up, Check Out
2/11/97 - Range Game, 3 Strikes, Joker, Barker's Bargain Bar, Hi-Lo, Any Number
2/14/97 - 5 Price Tags, squeeze play, danger price, Easy as 1-2-3, hit me, Lucky 7
2/24/97 - Range Game, Switcheroo, Most Expensive, Safe Crackers, Bullseye, Temptation
3/4/97 - Shopping Spree, Money Game, Hit Me, Barkers Bargain Bar, Punch-a-Bunch, Any Number
3/10/97 – 5 Price Tags, Squeeze Play, Most Expensive, Magic Number, Now or Then, 10 Chances
3/13/97 - Check Game, 1 Away, Pick-a-Pair, Barkers Bargain Bar, Any Number, Plinko
3/14/97 - Double Prices, Freeze Frame, Spelling Bee, Easy as 1-2-3, Bullseye, Dice Game
3/21/97 - Cover Up, Easy as 1-2-3, Grocery Game, Switch, Plinko, Lucky 7
3/26/97 - Danger price, hole in one, squeeze play, magic number, dice game, secret x
3/27/97 - Clock Game, 3 Strikes, Pick-a-Pair, Double Prices, Plinko, Cover Up
3/28/97 - Swap Meet, Pathfinder, Range Game, Switch, Any Number, Hi-Lo
4/3/97 - Safe Crackers, Grocery Game, Money Game, 2 for the price of 1, Spelling Bee, Most Expensive
4/4/97 - Check Game, Pathfinder, Easy as 1-2-3, Switch, Hit Me, Dice Game
4/16/97 - Check Game, Take Two, Switcheroo, Barkers Bargain Bar, Penny Ante, Card Game
4/17/97 - Clock Game, One Away, Grocery Game, Freeze Frame, Punch a Bunch, Lucky 7
4/18/97 - Safe Crackers, Spelling Bee, Side by Side, Shopping Spree, Hit Me, 10 Chances
4/24/97 - Superball, Side by Side, dice game, magic number, pick a pair, Lucky 7
4/25/97 - Cover Up, Grand Game, Freeze Frame, Swap Meet, Pathfinder, Barkers Bargain Bar
4/29/97 - 1 right price, money game, hit me, magic number, temptation, secret x
5/5/97 - Money game, grand game, range game, side by side, 3 strikes, bonus game
5/8/97 - squeeze play, pathfinder, magic number, buy or sell, dice game, penny ante
5/9/97 - credit card, card game, pick a pair, barkers bargain bar, cliff hangers, cover up
5/13/97 - Lucky 7, Make Your Move, Hit me, Eazy as 1-2-3, Money Game, Plinko
5/15/97 - clock game, 10 chances, secret x, pick a number, check out, dice game
5/19/97 - Money Game, Safe Crackers, Bullseye, Swap Meet, Pathfinder, Check Game
5/20/97 - superball, card game, barkers bargain bar, squeeze play, pick a pair, dice game
5/21/97 - any number, race game, grocery game, double prices, punch a bunch, 1 away
5/23/97 - Easy as 1-2-3, Grand Game, 3 Strikes, Freeze Frame, Master Key, Switch
5/26/97 - barkers bargain bar, hi lo, money game, barkers markers, cliffhangers, any number
5/27/97 - range game, punch a bunch, buy or sell, squeeze play, 1 away, hit me
6/12/97 - Check Game, 3 Strikes, Hit Me, Most Expensive, Cover Up, Plinko
9/8/97 - Cover Up, Plinko, Clock Game, Double Prices, Lucky 7, Pick A Pair
9/9/97 - Make Your Move, One Away, Hit Me, Swap Meet, Punch a Bunch, Safe Crackers
9/24/97 - Lucky 7, Clock Game, Hit Me, Barkers Markers, Cover Up, Cliff Hangers
9/26/97 - Any Number, Easy as 1-2-3, Its in the Bag, Freeze Frame, Secret X, One Away - Its in the Bag Debut
10/6/97 - Check Game, Hole in one, Safe Crackers, Double Prices, Cliffhangers, 1 Away
10/8/97 - Money Game, Its in the Bag, Buy or Sell, Range Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Pathfinder
10/11/97 - Credit Card, Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Double Prices, Switcheroo, Magic Number
10/13/97 - Any Number, Pick a Pair, Barkers Bargain Bar, Poker Game, Plinko, 2 for the price of 1
10/20/97 - Grocery Game, One Away, Range Game, Safe Crackers, Money Game, Plinko
10/21/97 - Most Expensive, Spelling Bee, Race Game, Magic Number, Hit Me, Cover Up
10/23/97 - Barkers Bargain Bar, 3 Strikes, Now or Then, Barkers Markers, Cliff Hangers, Dice Game
10/24/97 - Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Most Expensive, Check Game, Pathfinder, Pick a Number
10/27/97 - Shopping Spree, Hole in One, 2 for the Price of 1, Freeze Frame, Any Number, Secret X
11/4/97 - Credit Card, Plinko, Card Game, Double Prices, Money Game, HiLo
11/7/97 - Barkers Bargain Bar, 3 strikes, now or then, 2 for the price of 1, punch a bunch, any number
11/17/97 - Super Ball, Money Game, One Right Price, Easy as 1-2-3, Grand Game, Two for the Price of One
11/18/97 - Switch, Its in the Bag, Dice Game, Most Expensive, Freeze Frame, Switcheroo
11/20/97 - squeeze play, 1 away, hi lo, buy or sell, pathfinder, magic number
11/21/97 - Lucky 7, Fortune Hunter, Secret X, Range Game, Dice Game, Grocery Game - Debut of Fortune Hunter - 3 $1000 wins
12/1/97 - fortune hunter, pick a pair, money game, double prices, cliffhangers, card game
12/2/97 - squeeze play, temptation, penny ante, barkers bargain bar, 3 strikes, plinko
12/4/97 - Freeze Frame, Its in the Bag, Lucky 7, Most Expensive, Bonus Game, One Away
12/9/97 - Money Game, Poker Game, Its in the Bag, Double Prices, Magic Number, 5 Price Tags
12/11/97 - Fortune Hunter, Any Number, Cliff Hangers, Freeze Frame, Hi-Lo, Lucky 7
12/16/97 - Lucky 7, Most expensive, its in the bag, side by side, cover up, secret x
1/2/98 - Money Game, Fortune Hunter, Cliff Hangers, One Right Price, Check Out, Dice Game
1/5/98 - Safe Crackers, Spelling Bee, Easy as 1-2-3, Magic Number, Penny Ante, Cover Up
1/6/98 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Punch a Bunch, 3 Strikes, Take 2, Now or Then, Money Game
1/12/98 - Super Ball, Money Game, Switch, Squeeze Play, 3 Strikes, Penny Ante
1/14/98 - Golden Road, Secret X, Fortune Hunter, Double Prices, Bullseye, Lucky 7
1/21/98 - squeeze play, hi lo, range game, barkers markers, card game, plinko
1/23/98 - Shopping spree, its in the bag, lucky 7, most expensive, money game, secret x
2/4/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, 10 Chances, Bullseye, Pick a Number, Bonus Game, Lucky 7
2/12/98 - switch, lucky 7, in the bag, cliffhangers, money game
2/13/98 - Fortune Hunter, Pathfinder, Clock Game, Pick a Number, Now or Then, Range Game
2/16/98 - Grocery Game, Barkers Markers, Magic Number, Squeeze Play, Plinko, Dice Game
2/25/98 - Golden Road, punch a bunch, make your move, Barkers Bargain Bar, pick a pair, Lucky 7
2/27/98 - Now or Then, One away, fortune hunter, freeze frame, pathfinder, switch
3/9/98 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Take Two, Freeze Frame, Cliffhangers, Any Number
3/10/98 - Most Expensive, Line em Up, Bullseye, 1 Right Price, Plinko, 1 Away
3/12/98 - Lucky 7, make your move, in the bag, side by side, magic number, Secret X (shutout)
3/13/98 - shopping spree, shell game, money game, easy as 1-2-3, dice game, grand game
3/25/98 - temptation, pick a pair, clock game, double prices, 1 away, punch a bunch
3/26/98 - switcheroo, range game, 1 right price, buy or sell, hi-lo, any number
3/31/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, money game, in the bag, barkers bargain bar, 1 away, cliffhangers
4/1/98 - Check Game, Line em Up, Bonus Game, Most Expensive, Grand Game, Card Game
4/3/98 - Cover up, fortune hunter, bullseye, side by side, switch, spelling bee
4/7/98 - Range Game, Line em Up, Punch a Bunch, Most Expensive, Card Game, Hi Lo
4/8/98 - Cover Up, One Right Price, Check Out, Take 2, Plinko, Safe Crackers
4/9/98 – The 5000th episode! Every game played for a car - Lucky 7, Cliffhangers, Any Number, Double Prices, 1 Away, 5 Price Tags
4/10/98 - Freeze Frame, Pathfinder, Clock Game, Barkers Markers, Hit Me, Two for the Price of One
4/17/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, punch a bunch, line em up, clock game, money game, hit me
4/21/98 - Freeze frame, grand game, 1 away, swap meet, switcheroo, 2 for the price of 1
4/23/98 - Lucky 7, Danger Price, Its in the Bag, Squeeze Play, Dice Game, Secret X - was rerun on 11/27/98
4/24/98 - Credit Card, Cliff Hangers, Money Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Side by Side
4/30/98 - card game, plinko, make your move, double prices, check out, dice game
5/1/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, spelling bee, one right price, check out, hi-lo, 1 away
5/14/98 - 3 strikes, cliffhangers, fortune hunter, squeeze play, 1 away, penny ante
5/19/98 - Golden Road, Now or Then, One Right Price, Most Expensive, Plinko, Card Game
5/20/98 - Check Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Switcheroo, Credit Card, 1 away, Pick a pair
5/29/98 - money game, most expensive, its in the bag, squeeze play, lucky 7, joker
6/12/98 - Credit card, Squeeze play, switcheroo, 1 right price, bullseye, dice game
6/21/98 - Freeze Frame, pathfinder, clock game, Barkers Markers, Hit Me, 2 for the price of 1
9/22/98 - Golden Road, Clearance Sale, Pick A Pair, Double Prices, Plinko, Lucky 7
9/23/98 - Any Number, Most Expensive, Grocery Game, Safe Crackers, Punch A Bunch, 1 Away
9/24/98 - clock game, in the bag, range game, switch, money game, cliffhangers
9/25/98 - spelling bee, freeze frame, 1 right price, hit me, dice game
9/28/98 - Cover up, Check out, Take 2, Double prices, Punch-a-Bunch, Any number
9/29/98 - Shopping spree, Plinko, Money game, Switch, Hole in one, Side by Side
9/30/98 - Lucky 7, Squeeze play, Its in the Bag, Magic Number, Dice Game, Secret X
10/1/98 - 5 Price Tags, Clock game, Clearance Sale, Penny Ante, 3 Strikes, One Right Price
10/2/98 - Most Expensive, Bullseye, Temptation, Barkers Bargain Bar, Bonus game, Card game
10/5/98 - Danger Price, Line em up, Now or Then, Double Prices, Plinko, One Away
10/6/98 - Squeeze Play, 10 chances, Cliffhangers, Barkers Markers, Money game, Pick-a-Pair
10/7/98 - Grocery Game, Swap Meet, Dice Game, Joker, Freeze Frame, Cover Up
10/8/98 - Range game, Pathfinder, Make your move, Most Expensive, Lucky 7, Grand game
10/9/98 - Any number, Hit me, 2 for the price of 1, Pick a number, Spelling Bee, One right price
10/12/98 - Bullseye, 3 strikes, Race game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Punch-a-Bunch, Range game
10/13/98 - Golden Road, Grocery game, Side by Side, Fortune Hunter, One right price, Master Key
10/14/98 - Lucky 7, Poker game, Its in the bag, Double prices, Any number, Cliffhangers
10/15/98 - Plinko, Credit Card, 1 Away, Squeeze Play, Hi-Lo, Easy as 1-2-3 - Daytime $50,000 Plinko debuts
10/16/98 - Clock game, Clearance Sale, Switcheroo, Freeze Frame, Grand Game, Dice game
10/19/98 - Money game, Pick-a-Pair, Range game, Pathfinder, Fortune Hunter, 2 for the price of 1
10/20/98 - Make your Move, 10 chances, punch-a-bunch, squeeze play, Lucky 7, Hit Me
10/21/98 - Shopping Spree, Hole in One, Check Game, Double Prices, Plinko, Dice Game
10/22/98 - Cover Up, Its in the Bag, Most Expensive, Barkers Bargain Bar, Cliffhangers, One Away
10/23/98 - One wrong price, Spelling Bee, Freeze Frame, Squeeze Play, Card Game, Grand Game
10/26/98 - Fortune Hunter, Switcheroo, Side by Side, Barkers Bargain Bar, Line em up, Penny Ante
10/27/98 - 3 Strikes, Check Out, Squeeze Play, 1 Right Price, Punch A Bunch, Lucky 7
10/28/98 - Clock Game, 1 Away, Plinko, Most Expensive, Dice Game, Bullseye
10/29/98 - Temptation, Grocery Game, Switch, Safe Crackers, Secret X, Any Number
10/30/98 - 5 Price Tags, Range Game, Swap Meet, Double Prices, Its in the Bag, Money Game
11/2/98 - Make your Move, Pathfinder, Freeze Frame, Race Game, Grand Game, Lucky 7
11/3/98 - Spelling Bee, Clock game, One wrong price, Hit Me, Credit Card, Money Game
11/4/98 - Cover Up, Easy as 1-2-3, Its in the Bag, Barkers Bargain Bar, Dice Game, Cliff Hangers
11/5/98 - Clearance Sale, Plinko, Card Game, Squeeze Play, Pick-a-Pair, One Away
11/6/98 - Any number, Shopping Spree, Now or Then, Double Prices, Punch-a-Bunch, Line em up
11/9/98 - Freeze Frame, 3 Strikes, Grand game, Most Expensive, Lucky 7, Shell game
11/10/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, Plinko, 10 chances, Squeeze Play, Hi-Lo, Money Game
11/11/98 - Switch, Hole in One, Magic Number, Side by Side, Any Number, Bonus Game
11/12/98 - Clock game, Master Key, Double Prices, Check Out, Fortune Hunter, Dice Game
11/13/98 - Golden Road, Grand Game, Punch-a-Bunch, Barkers Bargain Bar, Penny Ante, Cover Up
11/17/98 - Shopping Spree, Pathfinder, Magic Number, Squeeze Play, 3 Strikes Grand game
11/18/98 - Clearance Sale, Card game, Penny Ante, Make Your Move, Spelling Bee, Side by Side
11/19/98 - Lucky 7, Barkers Bargain Bar, Its in the Bag, Freeze Frame, Cliffhangers, Any Number
11/20/98 - Cover Up, One Right Price, Joker, Fortune Hunter, Dice Game, Pick-a-Pair
11/23/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, Grocery Game, Temptation, Squeeze Play, Plinko, Money Game
11/24/98 - Any Number, Punch-a-Bunch, Take Two, Penny Ante, Line em up, Switch
11/25/98 - Shopping Spree, 10 chances, Grand Game, Freeze Frame, 5 Price Tags, Barkers Bargain Bar
11/30/98 - Money Game, Bullseye, Buy or Sell (new board debuts), Squeeze Play, Plinko ($20,500 win), Card Game
12/1/98 - Freeze Frame, Pathfinder, 2 for the price of 1, Check game, Any Number, Grand Game
12/2/98 - Danger Price, Three Strikes (Lengthy playing!), Hit Me, Double Prices, Spelling Bee, Safe Crackers
12/3/98 - Switcheroo, Fortune Hunter, Clock Game, Side by Side, Cover Up, Pick-a-Pair
12/4/98 - Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Most Expensive, Range game, Secret X, One Away
12/9/98 - Golden Road, Make Your Move, Grand Game, Switch, Pathfinder, Easy as 1-2-3
12/14/98 - Clock Game, Temptation, Hi-Lo, Side by Side, Card Game, Secret X
12/15/98 - Master Key, Range game, Clearance Sale, Squeeze Play, Its in the Bag, Lucky 7
12/16/98 - Switch, Dice Game, Penny Ante, Fortune Hunter, Cliffhangers, Money Game
12/17/98 - Plinko, Shopping Spree, Any Number, Make Your Move, Pick-a-Pair, One Away
12/18/98 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Punch-a-Bunch, 10 chances, One Wrong Price, Cover Up, Hit Me
12/21/98 - Easy as 1-2-3, Check Out, One Away, Race Game, Pathfinder, Squeeze Play
12/22/98 - Switcheroo, Freeze Frame, Make Your Move, Grand Game, Line em up, Range Game
12/23/98 - Clock Game, Its in the Bag, Dice Game, Double Prices, Cover Up, Cliffhangers
12/24/98 - Plinko, Lucky 7, Clearance Sale, Bullseye, Any Number, One Right Price
12/31/98 - Clock Game, Pathfinder, Easy as 1-2-3, Barkers Bargain Bar, 10 Chances, Grand Game
1/4/99 - Check Game, Cover Up, Now or Then, One Wrong Price, Card Game, Punch-A-Bunch
1/6/99 - Golden Road, Grocery Game, Easy as 1-2-3, Switch, Plinko, Lucky 7
1/7/99 - Freeze Frame, Any Number, Bonus Game, Most Expensive, Grand Game, 1 Away
1/8/99 - Spelling Bee, Clock Game, Take Two, Hit Me, One Right Price, Dice Game
1/11/99 - Lucky 7, Clearance Sale, Its in the Bag, Switch, Money Game, Cliffhangers
1/12/99 - Easy as 1-2-3, Plinko, Temptation, Double Prices, Hi-Lo, Any Number
1/13/99 - Fortune Hunter, Pick-a-Pair, 10 Chances, Squeeze Play, Secret X, Dice Game
1/14/99 - Most Expensive, 1 Away, Shell Game, 1 Right Price, Line em up, Grand Game
1/15/99 - 5 Price Tags, Make Your Move, Barkers Bargain Bar, Barkers Markers, Hit Me, Cover Up
1/18/99 - 3 Strikes, Freeze Frame, Pick-a-Pair, 1 wrong price, Secret X, Lucky 7
1/19/99 - Safe Crackers, Danger Price, Pathfinder, Squeeze Play, Grand Game, Line em up
1/20/99 - Swap Meet, Dice Game, Its in the Bag, Barkers Bargain Bar, Money Game, Cliffhangers
1/21/99 - Switch, Plinko, Card Game, Race Game, Any Number, Penny Ante
1/22/99 - Spelling Bee, Make Your Move, Magic Number, Double Prices, Check Out, 1 Away
1/25/99 - Range game, Hole in 1, 1 Right Price, Shopping Spree, Cover Up, Secret X
1/26/99 - Golden Road, Joker, Easy as 1-2-3, Double Prices, Grand Game, Dice Game
1/27/99 - Squeeze Play, Pick-a-Pair, 10 Chances, Poker Game, Plinko, Lucky 7
1/28/99 - Check Game, Hi Lo, One Away, Clock Game, Master Key, Take 2
1/29/99 - Most Expensive, 3 strikes, Penny Ante, Barkers Bargain Bar, Temptation, Cliffhangers
2/1/99 - Money game, Now or Then, Barkers Markers, Squeeze Play, Punch-a-Bunch, Lucky 7
2/2/99 - Switch, Dice Game, Its in the Bag, Easy as 1-2-3, Any Number, Secret X
2/3/99 - Check game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Pathfinder, Fortune Hunter, Hit Me, One Away
2/4/99 - Spelling Bee, Freeze Frame, Most Expensive, Check Out, Race Game, Cover Up
2/5/99 - One Right Price, Bullseye, Line em up, Range Game, Plinko, Card Game
2/8/99 - Credit Card, Switcheroo, Freeze Frame, Barkers Bargain Bar, Grand Game, One Away
2/9/99 - Clearance Sale, Money Game, Its in the Bag, Squeeze Play, 2 for the price of 1, Cliffhangers
2/10/99 - 5 Price Tags, Range game, Make Your Move, Penny Ante, One wrong price, 10 chances
2/11/99 - Clock game, Hole in one, Double prices, Most Expensive, Plinko, Cover Up
2/12/99 - Lucky 7, Shopping Spree, Punch-a-Bunch, Safe Crackers, Any Number, Pick-a-Pair
2/15/99 - Money game, Magic Number, Its in the Bag, Pick a Number, Bonus game, One wrong price
2/16/99 - Plinko, Switch, 1 Away, Danger Price, Bullseye, Dice Game
2/17/99 - Swap Meet, Check out, Cover Up, Barker's Bargain Bar, Punch a Bunch, Safe Crackers
2/18/99 - Spelling Bee, Buy or Sell, Double Prices, Hi-Lo, Any Number, Range Game
2/19/99 - Card Game, Now or Then, Race Game, Check Game, Pathfinder, Most Expensive
3/1/99 - Switch, Hole in One, Squeeze Play, Plinko, 1 Wrong Price, Any Number
3/2/99 - Lucky 7, Punch a Bunch, Double Prices, Clearance Sale, Grocery Game, 10 Chances
3/3/99 - Push Over, Barkers markers, Pathfinder, Barkers Bargain Bar, Dice Game, Now or Then
3/4/99 - Most Expensive, Its in the Bag, Money Game, Take 2, Secret X, 2 for the Price of 1
3/5/99 - 2 for the Price of 1, Grand Game, Cover Up, Side by Side, Pathfinder, Race Game
3/15/99 - Easy as 1-2-3, Spelling Bee, Barkers Bargain Bar, Double Prices, Hi-Lo, Cover Up
3/16/99 - Switcheroo, Range Game, Make Your Move, Grand Game, Magic Number, Dice Game
3/17/99 - Fortune Hunter, Any Number, Pick a Pair, Side by Side, Card Game, Secret X
3/18/99 - Credit Card, Lucky 7, Hit Me, Squeeze Play, Plinko, Line em Up
3/19/99 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Money game, Punch a Bunch, Poker Game, 1 Away, Bullseye
3/22/99 - Most Expensive, Its in the Bag, Any Number, Switch, Cliffhangers, Dice Game - Error in Cilff-Hangers gives contestant the prize!
3/23/99 - Golden Road, Freeze Frame, Penny Ante, Clock game, 5 Price Tags, Range Game
3/24/99 - Lucky 7, Grand Game, Shopping Spree, Double Prices, Joker, 10 Chances
3/25/99 - 1 Right Price, Plinko, Money Game, Easy as 1-2-3, Temptation, Grocery Game
3/26/99 - Push Over, Card Game, Now or Then, 1 Wrong Price, Punch a Bunch, 1 Away
3/29/99 - Any Number, Buy or Sell, Bonus Game, Double Prices, Hole in One, Switch
3/30/99 - Swap meet, 3 Strikes, Hit Me, Barkers Bargain Bar, Plinko, Money Game
3/31/99 - Danger Price, Pathfinder, Push Over, Grand Game, Safe Crackers, Dice Game
4/1/99 - Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Easy as 1-2-3, Squeeze Play, Cover Up, Secret X
4/2/99 - Freeze Frame, Master Key, Clock game, check out, fortune hunter, range game
4/5/99 - Check game, Line em up, Pick a pair, 1 wrong price, Plinko, card game
4/6/99 - Most Expensive, Punch a Bunch, Any Number, Race Game, Money game, Hi-Lo
4/7/99 - Spelling Bee, Take 2, Squeeze Play, Clearance Sale, Bullseye, 1 Away
4/8/99 - Credit Card, Now or Then, Dice Game, Barkers Markers, Secret X, Barkers Bargain Bar
4/9/99 - Lucky 7, Easy as 1-2-3, Its in the Bag, Freeze Frame, Cliffhangers, Cover Up
4/19/99 - Push Over, 10 Chances, Punch a Bunch, Switch, Hit Me, Money Game
4/20/99 - Golden Road, Grocery Game, Most Expensive, Range Game, Plinko, Any Number
4/21/99 - Shopping Spree, Switcheroo, Magic Number, Grand Game, Side by Side, 1 Away
4/22/99 - Lucky 7, Make your Move, Check Out, Clock Game, Pathfinder, Freeze Frame
4/23/99 - Fortune Hunter, Cliffhangers, Dice Game, 1 Right Price, Hole in 1, Squeeze Play
4/26/99 - Cover Up, Its in the Bag, Clearance Sale, Switch, Master Key, Range Game
4/27/99 - Easy as 1-2-3, 3 Strikes, Secret X, Barker's Bargain Bar, Card Game, Grand Game - Has a blooper in Eazy as 1-2-3 and an awful Secret X player
4/28/99 - Check Game, Temptation, Cliffhangers, Freeze Frame, Penny Ante, Any Number
4/29/99 - 5 Price Tags, Push Over, Buy or Sell, 1 Right Price, Line em Up, Pick a Pair
4/30/99 - Lucky 7, 1 Wrong Price, Bullseye, Race Game, Plinko, Money Game
5/3/99 - Most Expensive, Its in the Bag, 1 Away, Switch, Joker Dice Game
5/4/99 - Spelling Bee, Poker Game, 2 for the Price of 1, Range Game, Hi-Lo, Cover Up
5/13/99 - Lucky 7, 1 Wrong Price, Punch a Bunch, Push Over, Hole in One, Barkers Bargain Bar
5/18/99 - temptation, squeeze play, pick a pair, easy as 1-2-3, plinko, cover up
5/20/99 - Clock Game, Check Out, Money Game, One wrong price, punch a bunch, any number
5/24/99 - Easy as 1-2-3, Pathfinder, Push Over, Barker's Markers, Cover Up, Penny Ante
5/25/99 - Any Number, Its in the Bag, Magic Number, Squeeze Play, Dice Game, Cliffhangers
5/26/99 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Take 2, Hole in One, Clock Game, Secret X, Money Game
5/27/99 - Credit Card, Plinko, 1 Away, Make Your Move, Pick a Pair, 1 Right Price
5/28/99 - Lucky 7, Switch, Grand Game, Buy or Sell, 5 Price Tags, Check Game
9/20/99 - Any Number, Let em Roll, Double Prices, Most Expensive, Plinko, Money Game
9/21/99 - Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Push Over, Easy as 1-2-3, One Away, Secret X
9/22/99 - Switch, punch-a-bunch, line 'em up, Barker's bargain bar, checkout, cover up
9/23/99 - Squeeze Play, 3 Strikes, Grocery Game, Fortune Hunter, Switcheroo, Double Prices
9/24/99 - Make Your Move, Dice Game, Cliffhangers, Freeze Frame, Hole in One, 1 Wrong Price
9/27/99 - Lucky 7, Plinko, Barker's Bargain Bar, Push Over, Hi-Lo, Cover Up
9/28/99 - Shopping Spree, Let em roll, Squeeze Play, 2 for the Price of 1, Master Key, Double Prices
9/29/99 - Safe Crackers, Pathfinder, Clock Game, Bullseye, 1 Right Price, Dice Game
9/30/99 - 1 Wrong Price, Its in the Bag, Any Number, Barker's Bargain Bar, 5 Price Tags, Range Game
10/1/99 - Most Expensive, Spelling Bee, Magic Number, Now or Then, Poker Game, Money Game
10/4/99 - Cover Up, Side by Side, Grand Game, 1 Right Price, Bonus Game, Card Game
10/5/99 - Push Over, Dice Game, Pick a Pair, Most Expensive, 10 Chances, Punch a Bunch
10/6/99 - Golden Road, Clock Game, Plinko, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Range Game
10/7/99 - Make Your Move, Let em roll, Squeeze Play, Race Game, Money Game, Cliffhangers
10/8/99 - Lucky 7, Danger Price, Its in the Bag, Barkers Bargain Bar, Dice Game, Secret X
10/11/99 - Check Game, Line em Up, Double Prices, Clock Game, Range Game, Cliffhangers
10/12/99 - 1 Right Price, Plinko, Money Game, Pick a Number, Let em Roll, Safecrackers
10/13/99 - Lucky 7, Fortune Hunter, Bullseye, Squeeze Play, Pathfinder, Switch
10/14/99 - Most Expensive, Any Number, Punch a Bunch, Barker's Bargain Bar, Hole in 1, Double Prices
10/15/99 - Easy as 1-2-3, Dice Game, Its in the Bag, Push Over, Cliff Hangers, Cover Up
10/18/99 - Money Game, 1 Wrong Price, Bonus Game, Squeeze Play, 3 Strikes, Grand Game
10/19/99 - Most Expensive, Let em Roll, Clock Game, Barkers Markers, Range Game 5 Price Tags
10/20/99 - Shopping Spree, Spelling Bee, Double Prices, Hit Me, One Away, Magic Number
10/21/99 - Lucky 7, Punch a Bunch, Push Over, Easy as 1-2-3, Cover Up, Pick a Pair
10/22/99 - Credit Card, Plinko, Money Game, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Dice Game
10/25/99 - Switcheroo, Clearance Sale, Check Game, Safecrackers, Let em Roll, 1 Right Price
10/26/99 - Push Over, Master Key, Clock Game, Freeze Frame, Temptation, Hit Me
10/27/99 - 1 Wrong Price, 10 Chances, Pick a Pair, Squeeze Play, Plinko, Range Game
10/28/99 - Golden Road, Now or Then, Most Expensive, Switch, Pathfinder, Make Your Move
10/29/99 - Cover Up, Its in the Bag, Danger Price, Double Prices, Cliffhangers, One Away
11/1/99 - Money Game, Plinko, Buy or Sell, 1 Right Price, Check Out, Push Over
11/2/99 - Shopping Spree, Spelling Bee, Double Prices, Clock Game, 1 Away, Hi-Lo
11/3/99 - Lucky 7, Grocery Game, Race Game, Freeze Frame, Card Game, Secret X
11/4/99 - Fortune Hunter, Any Number, Pick a Pair, Side by Side, Cliffhangers, Dice Game
11/5/99 - Most Expensive, Punch a Bunch, 10 Chances, Switch, Cover Up, Penny Ante
11/8/99 - Push Over, Let em Roll, Magic Number, Poker Game, Master Key, Check Game
11/9/99 - Switch, Cliffhangers, Money Game, Squeeze Play, Its in the Bag, Line em Up
11/11/99 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Pathfinder, Freeze Frame, Barkers Markers, Hit Me, Any Number
11/10/99 - Make Your Move, 3 Strikes, Grand Game, Most Expensive, Bonus Game, Range Game
11/12/99 - Lucky 7, Credit Card, Bullseye, Double Prices, Plinko, Cover Up
11/15/99 - 1 Wrong Price, 10 Chances, Punch a Bunch, Squeeze Play, Penny Ante, 1 Away
11/16/99 - Switch, Plinko, Temptation, Easy as 1-2-3, Grocery Game, Dice Game
11/17/99 - Safe Crackers, Spelling Bee, Race Game, Double Prices, Cover Up, Pick a Pair
11/18/99 - Golden Road, Hi-Lo, Freeze Frame, Barker's Bargain Bar, Secret X, Any Number
11/19/99 - Lucky 7, Swap Meet, Its in the Bag, Push Over, Money Game, Cliffhangers
11/22/99 - Card Game, Squeeze Play, Plinko ($22,000 win), Clearance Sale, Double Prices, Hole in One
11/23/99 - Switcheroo, Barkers Bargain Bar, Range Game, Take Two, Now or Then, Line em Up
11/24/99 - Lucky 7, Fortune Hunter, Bullseye, Switch, One Away, Cliffhangers
11/29/99 - Make Your Move, Let em Roll, Magic Number, Push Over, Secret X, Cover Up
11/30/99 - 5 Price Tags, Clock Game, Range Game, 1 Wrong Price, Any Number, Grand Game
12/1/99 - 3 Strikes, Squeeze Play, Pick a Pair, Most Expensive, Plinko, Card Game
12/2/99 - Lucky 7, Freeze Frame, Punch a Bunch, Barkers Bargain Bar, One Away, Check Out
12/3/99 - Shopping Spree, Pathfinder, Switch, Safe Crackers, Its in the Bag, Dice Game
12/6/99 - 2 for the Price of 1, Spelling Bee, 1 Right Price, Grocery Game, Easy as 1-2-3, Cover Up
12/7/99 - Card Game, Grand Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Barkers Markers, Any Number, Cliffhangers
12/8/99 - Plinko, Squeeze Play, 10 Chances, 1 Wrong Price, Let em Roll, Double Prices
12/9/99 - lucky 7, in the bag, pushover, buy or sell, shell game, switch
12/10/99 - Lucky 7, Its in the Bag, Push Over, Buy or Sell, Shell Game, Switch
12/13/99 - Golden Road, Squeeze Play, Plinko, 1 Right Price, Cover Up, Hit Me
12/14/99 - Clock Game, Temptation, Secret X, Push Over, Dice Game, Grocery Game
12/15/99 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Range Game, Race Game, Money Game, Cliffhangers
12/16/99 - Check Game, Master Key, Take Two, Freeze Frame, Hi-Lo, Any Number
12/17/99 - Fortune Hunter, Bullseye, One Away, Double Prices, Switcheroo, Easy as 1-2-3
12/20/99 - Clearance Sale, Pathfinder, Squeeze Play, 2 for the Price of 1, Let em Roll, Range Game
12/21/99 - Money Game, Pick a Pair, Buy or Sell, Double Prices, Line em Up, Plinko
12/22/99 - Most Expensive, 3 Strikes, Grand Game, Switch, Cliffhangers, Cover Up
12/23/99 - Lucky Seven, Its in the Bag, Push Over, Easy as 1-2-3, Bonus Game, Card Game
12/24/99 - Barkers Bargain Bar, 1 Away, Punch a Bunch, 1 Right Price, Any Number, Check Out