Hot Potato with Bill Cullen - All Original NBC airings except for 4/20/84
1/23/84 - Moms to be vs. Teachers - $5,000 win
1/24/84 - Teachers vs. Firemen
1/25/84 - Firemen vs. Hygienists
1/26/84 - Hygienists vs. Waitresses
1/27/84 - Waitresses vs. Air Force
1/30/84 - Waitresses vs. Coaches - Round 1 won with no correct answers given by either team!
1/31/84 - Waitresses @ Bonus Game- $20,000 win
2/1/84 - Moms of Twins vs. Telegram Singers
2/2/84 - Telegram Singers vs. Redheads
2/3/84 - Telegram Singers vs. Checkers
2/6/84 - Checkers vs. Softball Managers - 7 Straight jackpot starts here
2/7/84 - Beer Tasters @ Bonus game - 7 straight jackpot hit for $1,000
2/8/84 - Flight Attendants @ Bonus Game
2/9/84 - Flight Attendants @ Bonus Game
2/10/84 - Phone Reps vs. Computer Reps
2/13/84 - Computer Reps @ Bonus game - $10,000 win
2/14/84 - Computer Reps @ Bonus game - $10,000 win and a $3,000 7 straight jackpot is hit!
2/15/84 - Computer Reps ($28,500) vs. Bus Operators - 2 minutes of no picture but audio is present
2/16/84 - Computer Reps vs. Insurance Agents
2/17/84 - Insurance Agents vs. Moms To Be
2/20/84 - Day 1 of Tournament between Ms. Americas vs. All American Sports Men
2/21/84 - Day 2 of Tournament between Ms. Americas vs. All American Sports Men
2/22/84 - Day 3 of Tournament between Ms. Americas vs. All American Sports Men
2/23/84 - Day 4 of Tournament between Ms. Americas vs. All American Sports Men
2/24/84 - Day 5 of Tournament between Ms. Americas vs. All American Sports Men
2/27/84 - Moms To Be vs. Travel Agents
2/28/84 - Clowns @ Bonus Game
2/29/84 - Dentists vs. Air Traffic Controllers
3/1/84 - Dentists vs. Cookie Makers
3/2/84 - Dentists @ Bonus Game - 7 Straight Jackpot hit! Records first 22:30 of 30 minute show - Have GSN copy with missing footage at the end.
3/5/84 - Little League Coaches @ Bonus Game
3/6/84 - Little League Coaches @ Bonus Game
3/7/84 - Little League Coaches @ Bonus Game
3/8/84 - Private Eyes vs. Paralegals - 7 straight jackpot hit for $2,500
3/9/84 - Private Eyes vs. Magicians
3/12/84 - Magicians vs. 411 operators
3/13/84 - 411 Operators vs. Bartenders
3/14/84 - Bartenders vs. Bee Keepers
3/15/84 - Bee Keepers @ Bonus Game
3/16/84 - Bee Keepers vs. Service Reps
3/19/84 - Bee Keepers vs. Waiters
3/20/84 - Bee Keepers vs. Nurses
3/21/84 - Accountants @ Bonus Game
3/22/84 - Accountants vs. Car Saleswomen - 7 Straight Jackpot hit for $4,000
3/23/84 - Accountants vs. Pro Surfers
3/26/84 - Accountants vs. Construction Workers
3/27/84 - Accountants vs. Circus Performers
3/28/84 - Accountants vs. Navy Fliers
3/29/84 - Navy Fliers vs. Mailroom Clerks
3/30/84 - Mailroom Clerks vs. Calendar Makers
4/2/84 - Mailroom Clerks vs. Candlemakers
4/3/84 - Mailroom Clerks vs. Process Servers
4/4/84 - Mailroom Clerks vs. Caterers
4/5/84 - Mailroom Clerks vs. Preachers
4/6/84 - Preachers vs. Beer Tasters
4/9/84 - Hypnotists @ Bonus Game
4/10/84 - Hypnotists vs. Monks
4/11/84 - Monks vs. Probation Officers - misses the first 2 minutes of the show, no game play missing
4/12/84 - Monks vs. Rescue Team
4/13/84 - Rescue Team vs. Interior Designers
4/16/84 - Rescue Team vs. Locomotive Engineers
4/17/84 - 411 Operators @ Bonus Game
4/18/84 - 411 Operators vs. Bartenders - 7 straight jackpot hit for $2,500
4/19/84 - 411 Operators vs. Reporters
4/20/84 - Reporters vs. Auctioneers - Last civilian episode - GSN airing
1st week with celeb players - Wednesday show - with Emma Samms, Phyllis Diller, Rene Enriquez, Billy Hudson - Connie vs. Chris
3rd week with celebs - with Brad Garrett, Michael Winslow, Dorothy Lyman, Jamie Farr - Mike vs. Bob (Monday) and Bob vs. Mary (Wednesday)
4th week with celebs - with Nipsey Russell, Christopher Duran, Brad Garrett, Marcia Wallace - Larry vs. Sandy (Monday) and John @ Bonus (Wed.)
5th week with celebs - with Roxie Roker, Larry Manetti, Michael Winslow, Cynthia Gibb - Tammy vs. Brenda (Friday)
Last week of series with Arte Johnson, Anson Williams, Jan Murray, Lanie Kazan - Brenda vs. Robert, Brenda vs. John, John vs. Sarann and Carrie vs. Rod