Price is Right episodes 1985-89
9/9/85 - 14th season premiere - Lucky 7, Now or Then, Barkers Bargain Bar, Race Game, Safe Crackers, Punch-a-Bunch
9/10/85 - Super Ball!!, Dice Game, 1 Right Price, Take Two, Bullseye, 3 Strikes
9/11/85 - Any Number, Phone Home Game, Danger Price, Double Prices, One Away, Cliff Hangers
9/12/85 - Bonus Game, On the Nose, Most Expensive, Squeeze Play, Hit Me, Range Game
9/13/85 - Clock game, hole in 1, bump, poker game, money game, balance game
9/16/85 - Golden Road, Squeeze Play, Trader Bob, Blank Check, Penny Ante, Any Number
9/17/85 - Lucky Seven, Phone Home Game, Race Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Money Game, Secret "X"
9/19/85 - Safe Crackers, Hole in One, 1 Right Price, Take Two, Card Game, Give or Keep
9/20/85 - Shell Game, Ten Chances, Most Expensive, Danger Price, Bullseye, Dice Game
9/24/85 - Blank Check, Phone Home Game, 3 Strikes, Most Expensive, Take Two, Five Price Tags
9/25/85 - Any Number, Race Game, Punch a Bunch, Double Prices, Card Game, Now....and Then
9/26/85 - Range Game, Pick a Pair, Temptation, Danger Price, Switcheroo, 1 Right Price
9/27/85 - Super Ball!!, Safe Crackers, Squeeze Play, Poker Game, Money Game, Hi Lo
9/30/85 - Blank Check, Take Two, Hole in One, 1 Right Price, Card Game, Bonus Game
10/1/85 - Master Key, Range Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Race Game, Bullseye, Ten Chances
10/3/85 - Any Number, Secret "X", Most Expensive, Walk of Fame, Grand Game, Money Game
10/4/85 - Golden Road, Squeeze Play, Hit Me, Bump, 3 Strikes, Balance Game
10/7/85 - Range Game, Give or Keep, On the Nose, Barker's Bargain Bar, Grocery Game, Dice Game
10/8/85 - Now....and Then, Safe Crackers, Danger Price, 1 Right Price, Big Money Game, Punch a Bunch
10/9/85 - Temptation, Trader Bob, Squeeze Play, Race Game, Penny Ante, Card Game
10/10/85 - Lucky Seven, Most Expensive, Phone Home Game, Clock Game, Five Price Tags, Take Two
10/11/85 - Double Prices, Shell Game, Ten Chances, Poker Game, Pick a Pair, Any Number
10/15/85 - Superball, Barker's Bargain Bar, Three Strikes, Race Game, Range Game, Hi-Lo - Johnny Olson's death is recognized at the end of the show
10/17/85 - Any Number, Poker Game, Plinko, Bump, One Away, Bullseye
11/5/85 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Hole In 1, Take 2, 1 Right Price, Bonus Game, 10 Chances.
11/8/85 – Johnny Olson’s final episode - Superball, Range game, Bump, 3 Strikes, One Away, Grand Game
11/11/85 – Gene Wood announces - Grocery Game, One Right Price, Dice Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Secret X, Money Game - All 6's rolled in Dice Gm.
12/9/85 - Bump, Ten Chances, Penny Ante, Most Expensive, Bonus Game, Card Game
12/10/85 - Switcheroo, Double Prices, Safe Crackers, Poker Game, Any Number, Pick a Pair
12/11/85 - Lucky Seven, Hit Me, Squeeze Play, Take Two, Shell Game, Range Game
12/12/85 - Danger Price, One Away, Punch a Bunch, 1 Right Price, 3 Strikes, Bullseye
12/13/85 - Money Game, Barker's Bargain Bar. Secret "X", Most Expensive, Dice Game, Grocery Game
1/2/86 - Danger Price, Now and Then, One Away, Most Expensive, Plinko, Any Number
1/3/86 - Super Ball!!, Range Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Race Game, Money Game, Hi Lo
1/6/86 - Master Key, 1 Right Price, Poker Game, Blank Check, Ten Chances, Grand Game
1/7/86 - Double Prices, Clock Game, Hole in One, Danger Price, Bonus Game, 3 Strikes
1/8/86 - Golden Road, Squeeze Play, Secret "X", Take Two, Card Game, Penny Ante
1/9/86 - Lucky Seven, Plinko, Most Expensive, Race Game, Any Number, Check-Out
1/10/86 - Rich Jeffries announces - Bump, Hit Me, Temptation, Safe Crackers, Cliffhangers, Dice Game
1/20/86 - Superball, Dice Game, Most Expensive, Range Game, Any Number, Grand Game - Bob Hilton announces
2/11/86 - Bob Hilton announces - Barker's Bargain Bar, Superball, 1 Away, One Right Price, Any Number, Hi-Lo
2/17/86 - Master Key, 1 right price, take 2, clock game, temptation, bullseye
3/12/86 - Blank check, 3 strikes, phone home game, most expensive, card game, secret x
5/14/86 - PARTIAL EPISODE - Take 2, Bump, Penny Ante, 1 Away
5/15/86 - Check game, Hole in One, Double Prices, Safe Crackers, Money Game, Punch a Bunch - Original airing
8/28/86 - Clock Game, Hole in One, Money Gm, Race Gm, Punch a Bunch, 1 Away
9/8/86 - 15th season premiere - Safe Crackers, Any Number, Grand Game, Clock Game, Double Prices, Switcheroo
9/9/86 - Master Key, Range Game, Race Game, Most Expensive, 1 Away, Grocery Gm.
9/10/86 - Blank Check, Hole In 1, Take 2, Squeeze Play, Cliffhangers, Dice Game. DSWin, $39 off!
9/11/86 - Danger Price, Add 'Em Up (1st) , Plinko, 1 Right Price, Money Game, Pick A Pair. Rod's blooper, "Don" instead of "Bob"!
9/12/86 - Lucky 7, Poker Gm, Phn Home Gm, Barker Bar, Bonus Gm, 3 Strikes.
9/16/86 - Danger price, hole in one, bump, safe crackers, secret X, any number
9/18/86 - Money Game, Chck Out, Poker Game, Double Prices, Shell Game, 10 Chances
9/19/86 - Give or Keep, Card Game, Most Expensive, Race Game, Add 'Em Up, Penny Ante
9/22/86 - Lucky 7, danger price, phone home game, 1 right price, bonus game, 1 away
9/26/86 - Golden Road, Grand Game, Squeeze Play, Safe Crackers, Switcheroo, Range Game
9/29/86 - Give or Keep, Most Expensive, Any Number, Poker Game, Add 'Em Up, Penny Ante.
9/30/86 - Barkers Bargain Bar, One Away, Phone Home Game, Take Two, Cliffhangers, Money Game
10/1/86 - Card game, plinko, race game, squeeze play, 3 strikes, pick a pair
10/3/86 - Master Key, range game, clock game, 1 right price, temptation, grocery game
10/6/86 - Money Game, Check Out, Squeeze Play, Most Expensive, Shell Game, 10 Chances - Infamous Shell Game Cheater!!!
10/7/86 - Danger Price, Add 'Em Up, Plinko, Double Prices, 3 Strikes, Now or Then
10/8/86 - Lucky 7, Phone Home Game, Take Two, Barkers Bargain Bar, Bonus Game, Card Game
10/9/86 - Superball, Range Game, Dice Game, 1 Right Price, 1 Away, Bullseye
10/10/86 - Bump, Poker Game, Hole In One, Check Game, Secret X, Any Number
10/13/86 - Barkers Bargain Bar, 5 price tags, clock game, race game, add em up, grand game
10/14/86 - Range game, 1 right price, hole in one, take 2, cliffhangers, money game
10/15/86 - Check Game, Plinko, 3 Strikes, Bump, Temptation, Hi-Lo. LONG 3 strikes playing
10/16/86 - Any number, poker game, phone home game, most expensive, bonus game, safe crackers
10/17/86 - danger price, double prices, switcheroo, squeeze play, 10 chances, hit me
10/21/86 - clock game, plinko, temptation, squeeze play, dice game, pick a pair
10/22/86 - Master Key, Barkers Bargain Bar, Race game, double prices, 1 away, grocery game
10/27/86 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Bullseye, Add em up, Race Game, Card Game, Give or Keep
10/28/86 - Superball, Take 2, Squeeze Play, Most Expensive, Now and Then, 3 Strikes
10/29/86 - check game, hole in one, danger price, one right price, any number, cliffhangers
10/30/86 - 5 price tags, clock game, poker game, double prices, check out, 10 chances
10/31/86 - Bump, temptation, grand game, safe crackers, switcheroo, range game
11/3/86 - Lucky 7, Plinko, 1 Right Price, Take 2, Grocery Game, Dice Game
11/6/86 - Bump, hit me, temptation, danger price, 3 strikes, bonus game
11/10/86 - grocery game, one right price, dice game, barkers bargain bar, secret x, money game
11/11/86 - 5 price tags, clock game, most expensive, danger price, squeeze play, penny ante
11/12/86 - Bump, 3 Strikes, Hi-Lo, Double Prices, Cliffhangers, Any Number
11/19/86 - Safe Crackers, Now or Then, Race Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Punch a Bunch, Card Game
11/20/86 - Master Key, range game, bump, take 2, any number, hit me
11/21/86 - Most Expensive, 1 away, check out, one right price, shell game, temptation
11/24/86 - Bullseye, Add em up, Safe Crackers, Take Two, Double Prices, Switcheroo
11/26/86 - Danger price, hole in one, check game, one right price, bonus game, 3 strikes
12/2/86 - Now or Then, 3 strikes, poker game, clock game, 5 price tags, one right price - 1st playing of Now or Then with the new name.
12/4/86 - double prices, range game, take 2, most expensive, money game, hi-lo
12/5/86 - Master Key, range game, take 2, most expensive, money game, hi-lo
12/8/86 - Grocery Game, Temptation, Clock Game, Poker Game, One Right Price, Switcheroo
12/10/86 - Double Prices, Safe Crackers, Hole in One, Race Game, Card Game, Bonus Game
12/11/86 - Shell Game, Most Expensive, Add 'Em Up, Bump, Penny Ante, One Away
12/22/86 - Superball, bump, range game, take 2, grand game, card game
12/23/86 - double prices, hole in one, poker game, squeeze play, dice game, cliffhangers
12/24/86 - Any Number, Barker's Bargain Bar, Plinko, Danger Price, Now or Then, One Away
1/5/87 - Grocery Game, Temptation, Squeeze Play, Take Two, Punch-a-Bunch, Money Game
1/6/87 - Lucky 7, Danger Price, Plinko, Bump, Add em up, Pick a Pair
1/7/87 - Golden road, check out, barkers bargain bar, poker game, give or keep, 3 strikes
1/8/87 - Master Key, range game, race game, most expensive, any number, hit me
1/9/87 - Safe Crackers, Ten chances, Bullseye, Double Prices, Shell Game, One Away - A price is accidentally revealed in 10 chances.
1/12/87 - danger price, clock game, hole in one, one right price, 3 strikes, secret x
1/13/87 - 5 price tags, range game, take 2, barkers bargain bar, hilo, money game
1/14/87 - Safe crackers, add 'em up, grand game, double prices, ten chances, bonus game
1/15/87 - lucky 7, plinko, race game, squeeze play, temptation
1/16/87 - now or then, 1 away, poker game, range game, switcheroo, most expensive
1/20/87 - lucky 7, clock game, plinko, squeeze play, 10 chances, grocery game
1/22/87 - Golden Road, Give or Keep, One Right Price, Danger Price, One Away, Bullseye - "Don't let the dark hair fool you" comment by Bob
1/23/87 - most expensive, pick a pair, money game, race game, punch a bunch, card game
1/26/87 - Super Ball, Range Game, Poker Game, Bump, 3 strikes, Check out
1/28/87 - lucky 7, plinko, race game, most expensive, money game, hit me
2/2/87 - Golden Road, Grand Game, Most Expensive, Take 2, Range Game, Switcheroo
2/4/87 - Barker's Bargain Bar, Phone Home Game, Any Number, Poker Game, Cliffhangers, Dice Game
2/5/87 - card game, plinko, danger price, bump, 10 chances, penny ante
2/9/87 - Give or Keep, Three Strikes, Race Game, Squeeze Play, Temptation, Grocery Game
2/10/87 - clock game, hole in one, one right price, take 2, secret x, any number
2/11/87 - danger price, card game, plinko, bump, one away, bullseye
3/10/87 - Safe Crackers, Phone Home Game, Dice Game, Range Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Switcheroo
3/25/87 - Golden road, penny ante, bump, take 2, give or keep, one away
3/27/87 - Temptation, Plinko, Clock Game, Double Prices, Pick a Pair, Range Game
3/30/87 - check out, 10 chances, safe crackers, poker game, switcheroo
3/31/87 - Five Price Tags, Clock Game, Take Two, Double Prices, Now....or Then, Add 'em Up
4/1/87 - Lucky Seven, Danger Price, Phone Home, Barker's Bargain Bar, Any Number, Cliff Hangers - April Fool's showcase!
4/7/87 - Check Game, Pathfinder, Poker Game, Barkers Bargain Bar, Dice Game, Grocery Game - Debut of Pathfinder
4/8/87 - Bullseye, 1 Away, race game, double prices, give or keep, 10 chances
4/24/87 - Master Key, Range Game, Bump, Danger Price, Hit Me, Any Number
5/20/87 - Superball (AWFUL playing), Dice Game, Bump, Poker Game, One Away, Bullseye
9/14/87 - Master Key, barkers bargain bar, clock game, race game, grand game, card game
10/14/87 – Bob’s last dark hair day – Lucky 7, checkout, poker game, double prices, temptation, plinko
10/15/87 – Bob’s first gray hair day – Most expensive, 3 strikes, punch-a-bunch, take 2, pick-a-pair, any #
10/26/87 - now or then, 10 chances, check game, poker game, squeeze play, 5 price tags
10/27/87 - Golden Road, give or keep, barkers bargain bar, clock game, card game, penny ante - missing last 5 mins.
10/30/87 - Master Key, range game, most expensive, race game, grand game, money game
11/20/87 - Master Key, range game, most expensive, race game, hi lo, card game
11/23/87 - Money Game, Take Two, Grand Game, Bump , Temptation, Plinko
11/25/87 - Danger price, clock game, hole in one, check game, Barker's bargain bar, switcheroo
12/7/87 - Credit Card, Hit Me, One Away, Most Expensive, Plinko, Any Number
2/4/88 - Golden Road (big win), Give or Keep, Barker's Bargain Bar, Race Game, Any Number, Penny Ante - Highest money winner to date!
2/11/88 - Card game, clock game, phone home game, most expensive, secret X, dice game
2/16/88 - 30 minute show - Give or Keep, Lucky 7, Danger Price
2/26/88 - Golden Road, bump, plinko, most expensive, money game, hi lo
3/1/88 - Range game, 5 price tags, credit card, double prices, 10 chances, now or then
3/2/88 - money game, most expensive, grocery game, poker game, punch a bunch, temptation
3/10/88 - PARTIAL - Intros and 1st pricing game only - cuts off during pricing game 2 (switcheroo)
3/11/88 - PARTIAL - Has pricing games 4, 5 and 6 and then ends.
3/23/88 - Any Number, Take 2, Phone Home Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Money Game, Cliff Hangers
4/4/88 - Money Game, Credit Card, The Phone Home Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Lucky $even, Bonus Game
4/18/88 - Any number, take 2, grocery game, one right price, lucky 7, shell game
5/4/88 - Most expensive, super ball, 3 strikes, safe crackers, lucky 7, grand game
5/10/88 - shell game, poker game, add em up, bump, 3 strikes, penny ante
6/28/88 - Bump, temptation, grand game, credit card, range game, master key
6/30/88 - Danger price, phone home game, barkers bargain bar, 3 strikes, bonus game
7/1/88 - Most Expensive, Plinko, Add 'em Up, Take 2, Penny Ante, Any Number
9/12/88 - 17th season opens - Golden Road, now or then, one right price, take 2, bonus game, 3 strikes
9/14/88 – Hole in One, Danger Price, Bump, Check Game, Secret X, 1 Away - Bob enters on the turntable – Betty White does the “inspiration putt”
9/15/88 - Spelling Bee, Range Game, Race Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Add 'em up, Grand Game
9/28/88 - Bump, 10 chances, penny ante, one right price, temptation, shell game
10/7/88 - squeeze play, 3 strikes, phone home game, barkers bargain bar, cliff hangers, one away
11/17/88 - 5 price tags, clock game, danger price, barkers bargain bar, squeeze play, penny ante
12/1/88 - Most Expensive, Spelling Bee, Race Game, Bump, Grand Game, Dice Game
12/6/88 - Golden Road, Double Prices, Hit Me, Credit Card, Cliff Hangers, Any Number
12/7/88 - Bump, Range Game, Master Key, Clock Game, 3 Strikes, Check-Out
12/13/88 - Range Game, Any Number, Grand Game, Poker Game, Pathfinder, Clock Game
12/16/88 - Barker's Bargain Bar, Dice Game, Bullseye, Most Expensive, 3 Strikes, Secret X
12/21/88 - Bump, Range Game, Master Key, Clock Game, 3 Strikes, Check Out
1/24/89 - Golden Road, Range Game, Give or Keep, Poker Game, Penny Ante, Money Game
1/25/89 - any number, cliffhangers, take 2, clock game, 10 chances, hi lo
2/16/89 - Spelling Bee, Safe Crackers, Take Two, Double Prices, Bullseye, Dice Game
2/20/89 - superball, money game, most expensive, squeeze play, hilo, 10 chances
3/3/89 – Bump, Hole in 1, Poker Game, Double Prices, Punch-a-Bunch, One Away
3/6/89 - Bullseye, Lucky 7, Squeeze Play, Race Game, Master Key, Range Game
3/28/89 - Safe Crackers, Take Two, Spelling Bee, 1 Right Price, Dice Game, Grand Game
4/20/89 - Bullseye, Safe Crackers, 3 Strikes, Check Game, Plinko, Any Number
5/8/89 - Money Game, Hi-Lo, Credit Card, One Right Price, 5 Price Tags, Check Game
5/10/89 - Lucky 7, Squeeze Play, Super Saver, Most Expensive, Punch a Bunch, 1 Away
5/17/89 - 3 Strikes, Take Two, Phone Home Game, Bump, Range Game, Switcheroo
6/14/89 - 3 strikes, double prices, give or keep, poker game, 10 chances, grocery game
9/11/89 - Make your move, plinko, Barkers Bargain Bar, Double prices, 3 strikes, grocery game
9/25/89 - Super Ball, Squeeze Play, One Away, Barker's Bargain Bar, Hit Me, Dice Game
10/2/89 - Make Your Move, Dice Game, Plinko, Double Prices, Three Strikes, Grocery Game
10/12/89 - 1 Right Price, Pathfinder, Make Your Move, Barker's Bargain Bar, Hit Me, Lucky 7
10/24/89 - Golden Road, $uper $aver, Most Expensive, Bump, Plinko, Money Game
10/27/89: Super Ball, Range Game, Make Your Move, Squeeze Play, Lucky Seven, Bullseye
11/17/89: Check Game, Pathfinder, Barker’s Bargain Bar, Credit Card, Grand Game, Dice Game
12/6/89 - Barkers Bargain Bar, Pathfinder, Take 2, Squeeze Play, Hole in 1, Check Game
12/7/89 - Money Game, Credit Card, Super Saver, Most Expensive, Spelling Bee, Double Prices
12/11/89 - Five Price Tags, Race Game, Check Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, Ten Chances, Penny Ante
12/12/89 - 2 for the Price of 1, hit me, money game, range game, punch a bunch, any number
12/14/89 - $uper $aver, 3 Strikes, Danger Price, Clock Game, Pathfinder, Squeeze Play