Hot Streak with Bruce Forsyth
12/2/85 - Test Episode - Ivana vs. Howard
1/6/86 - 1st show with Cinder vs. Steve
1/7/86 - Geraldine vs. Mat - Mat nearly falls into the podium during opening. $2500 bonus win and men are given credit for a word they did not say.
1/8/86 - Vicky vs. Woody - 1st time a contestant slips and uses a pantomime - $5000 bonus round win
1/9/86 - Delia vs. Michael
1/10/86 - Rudy vs. Helen - Tie break played and a $4000 bonus round win.
1/13/86 - Mickey vs. Charlene - First time a team tries for $10,000 in the bonus round.
1/14/86 - Marjorie vs. Rick
1/15/86 - Kurt vs. Joyce - Only the last 5 minutes of this show. I will need to get an upgrade of this show if it ever airs again.
1/16/86 - Don (4300) vs. Mary - 4th win for the current Men's team - $8,000 bonus round win - Ladies team loses a round in 3 seconds!
1/17/86 - Rick (13300) vs. Debbie - pantomime penalty against the women's team - $9000 bonus round loss
1/20/86 - Bill (16000) vs. Betty - Another pantomime penalty against the women - 6th win for current men's team - $6000 loss
1/21/86 - Alan (18400) vs. Rosemarie - 7th win for men's team and a 4500 loss in the bonus round.
1/22/86 - Curt (20400) vs. Kelley - Men win game before round 3! 8th win for current men's team - $9000 loss
1/23/86 - Don (23400) vs. Cathy - 9th win for current men's team - $6000 loss in the bonus round
1/24/86 - Rick (25600) vs. Lani - Contestant gives censored answer for Italy in the bonus game! $9000 WIN!
1/28/86 - Alan (38300) vs. Darlene - 12th and final day for current men's team $5000 bonus round WIN!
1/29/86 - Cynthia (6200) vs. Jerry - $4500 loss in bonus round
1/31/86 - Ken (4900) vs. Jean - $7500 bonus round loss
2/3/86 - Jerry (7500) vs. Barbara - Men get a Hot Streak in each round! - $7000 loss in the bonus round.
2/4/86 - Wayne (10500) vs. Lisa - Contestant says the clue by accident while giving a description - $7000 loss
2/5/86 - Lawreen (2500) vs. Jamie - $9000 loss in the bonus round.
2/6/86 - Jeff (3200) vs. Carrie - $6500 bonus round WIN!
2/10/86 - Marc (10900) vs. Tracy - $5500 bonus round WIN!
2/11/86 - Bobbie (6900) vs. Lowell - $6000 bonus round loss
2/12/86 - Annie (8900) vs. Ron - $6500 bonus round WIN!
2/13/86 - Kenneth (7900) vs. Carol - Pantomime penalty against women - $5500 bonus round Win!
2/14/86 - Ken (14500) vs. Sarah - $5500 bonus round Win!
2/17/86 - Sharon (6500) vs. Roger - $8500 bonus round Win!
2/18/86 - Felicia (16000) vs. Mac - $8500 bonus round loss
2/19/86 - Lorena (19000) vs. John - $5000 bonus round loss
2/20/86 - Lisa (21300) vs. Bill - pantomime penalty against men's team - $5500 bonus round loss
2/21/86 - Sarah (23500) vs. Robert - $8000 loss in bonus round - 6th win for current women's team.
2/24/86 - Sharon (26200) vs. Don - Men are declared winners but is later reversed - $8500 bonus round win!
2/25/86 - Felicia (35900) vs. Tom - Men's team from previous day is back - $4500 loss
2/26/86 - Lorena (38200) vs. Jim - 9th win for current women's team - $8500 loss
2/27/86 - Lisa (41300) vs. Richard - Women's team loses on 10th day when they accidentally say a clue - $8500 bonus loss
2/28/86 - Jim (2600) vs. Patricia - $4000 bonus round loss
3/3/86 - Corinne (2000) vs. Bill - $8500 bonus round Win!
3/4/86 - Mindy (11600) vs. Brad - $7500 bonus round loss
3/6/86 - Kathleen vs. Raul
3/20/86 - Matt vs. Robin - Bruce Forsyth goofs and declares the men repeated a word in the tie-break when they did not.
3/21/86 - Ethan vs. Verdawn - $4500 bonus round loss
3/24/86 - David vs. Loren - Men score $1500 in main game - $7500 bonus round win
3/25/86 - Matt vs. Laura - Men score $1500 again in the main game - $8000 loss in the bonus round.
3/26/86 - Gary vs. Joanne - Bad game for the defending champs - $5000 loss in the bonus round.
3/27/86 - Lindy vs. Bill - Men win the game in a tie-break BUT....after commercial the women are awarded the game!
3/28/86 - Loretta vs. Michael - Men's team from 3/27 brought back - Signal goes out at start of bonus round.
3/31/86 - Anthony vs. Kim - Tie breaker played and a $10,000 LOSS in the bonus round. - Actor Tony Winters is the 1st captain of the men's team!
4/1/86 - John-Paul vs. Cheri - $7000 bonus round loss
4/2/86 - Peter vs. Tina - Very close $10,000 loss in the bonus game - 1st time a ladies team went for the $10,000!
4/3/86 - Laurey vs. Loring - Women have the game clinched before they even play the 3rd round!
4/4/86 - Paula vs. Bruce - $5000 win and a goodbye speech from Bruce Forsyth at the end