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All Versions of the Pyramid


$20,000 Pyramid with Dick Clark

2/27/75 - with Anne Meara and Tony Roberts - Dick vs. Barbara

11/20/75 - with Anita Gilette and Dick Clark - Nick vs. Leslie

3/4/76 - with Michele Lee and Dick Clark - Tom vs. Becky

1977 – Kirk vs. Spock – Infamous chair toss by Captain Kirk!

9/17/77 - Rena vs. Shirley

9/18/77 - Shirley vs. Martha

1978 - with Kathy Glass and Billy Crystal - Odeb vs. Cass

1978 - with MacKenzie Philips and Soupy Sales - Michael vs. Jeanne

2/1/78 - With June Lockhart and Soupy Sales - Jim vs. Cheryl

10/1/78 - Debralee Scott and Peter Lawford - Bob vs. Sharon

1980 – Lois Nettleton vs. Bill Cullen – Finale with mythical categories featured at the end


$50,000 Pyramid

1/26/81 - Premiere episode

4/17/81 - with Susan Richardson and Ross Martin - Elaine vs. Harriett


$25,000 Pyramid with Dick Clark

9/20/82 - with Robert Mandan and Constance McCashin - Premiere episode - Janet vs. Scott

9/21/82 - Janet vs. Dorothy

9/22/82 - Janet vs. Dusty - Has TWO $10,000 WINS

9/23/82 - Janet vs. Dusty - Awful 2nd winner circle round!

​9/24/82 - Janet vs. Beth - $10,000 win

9/27/82 - with Denise Miller and Jay Johnson - Billie Jean vs. Linda - $10,000 win in 34 seconds

9/28/82 - Linda vs. Denise

9/29/82 - Linda vs. Tom - $10,000 win is reversed!

9/30/82 - Tom vs. Diane - TWO $10,000 wins

10/1/82 - Tom vs. Diane

10/4/82 - with Lynn Redgrave and LeVar Burton - Judy vs. Diane - $10,000 win

10/5/82 - Linda vs. Diane

10/6/82 - Linda vs. Gary - $10,000 Win

10/7/82 - Linda vs. Linda - $10,000 Win

10/8/82 - Linda vs. Linda

10/11/82 - with Betty White and Charles Siebert - Linda vs. Jerry

10/12/82 - Rochelle vs. Donna - First $25,000 Win!

10/13/82 - Nancy vs. Titino - $10,000 win is reversed but then $25,000 is won!

10/14/82 - Joe vs. Cynthia

10/15/82 - Cynthia vs. Sherry

10/18/82 - with Audrey Landers and Nipsey Russell - Sherry vs. Arlene

10/19/82 - Arlene vs. Dave

10/20/82 - Arlene vs. Leah - $25,000 win

10/21/82 - Russ vs. Veronica - $10,000 win

10/22/82 - Veronica vs. Terri - $10,000 and $25,000 wins!

10/25/82 - with Elaine Joyce and Soupy Sales - Steven vs. Diane

10/26/82 - Steven vs. Carol

10/27/82 - Carol vs. Debbie - $10,000 win

10/28/82 - Debbie vs. Chris

10/29/82 - Chris vs. LaRaine - Judges decide not to reverse a $10,000 loss

11/1/82 - with Richard Dean Anderson and Didi Conn - Chris vs. LaRaine - $10,000 win

11/2/82 - Chris vs. DeLora - $10,000 win

11/3/82 - DeLora vs. Gail - $10,000 win

11/4/82 - Gail vs. Jerry

11/5/82 - Gail vs. Jerry again

11/8/82 - with Barbara Bosson and Barry Gordon - Jerry vs. Shannon

11/9/82 - Jerry vs. Shannon again - $10,000 win

11/10/82 - Jerry vs. Kaye - $25,000 win

11/11/82 - David vs. Mary - TWO $10,000 wins

11/12/82 - David vs. Mary again

11/15/82 - with Linda Kelsey and Rick Hurst - David vs. Diane

11/16/82 - Diane vs. Lori - $10,000 and $25,000 wins!

11/17/82 - Frank vs. Nancy

11/18/82 - Frank vs. Michelle - $10,000 win

11/19/82 - Frank vs. Monica

11/22/82 - with Vicki Lawrence and Richard Kline - Frank vs. Monica

11/23/82 - Frank vs. Monica for 3rd time - $10,000 win

11/24/82 - Monica vs. Toddy - $10,000 win

11/29/82 - with Rita Moreno and Robert Foxworth - Monica vs. Bob - $25,000 win

11/30/82 - Brian vs. Victoria - HORRIBLE winners circle rounds - Champ wins $150 to $100 for the show!

12/1/82 - Brian vs. Nancy - Robert Foxworth has to go down as one of the worst celebrity players of pyramid!

12/2/82 - Nancy vs. Joan

12/3/82 - Joan vs. Jim

12/6/82 - with Florence Henderson and Tom Reilly - Jim vs. Jill - TWO $10,000 Wins

12/7/82 - Jim vs. Jill - $10,000 win

12/8/82 - Jim vs. Shari - $10,000 win

12/9/82 - Miriam vs. Brian - $10,000 win

12/10/82 - Miriam vs. Janna

12/13/82 - with Charlie Siebert and Anita Gilette - Miriam vs. Andy

12/14/82 - Miriam vs. Renee - $10,000 win

12/15/82 - Miriam vs. Lori

12/16/82 - Lori vs. Rosemary - $10,000 win

12/17/82 - Rosemary vs. Dan

12/20/82 - with Roxie Roker and Ken Kercheval - Dan vs. Pat

12/21/82 - Pat vs. Hillel

12/22/82 - Pat vs. Kim - $10,000 win

12/23/82 - Pat. vs. Roanne

12/24/82 - Roanne vs. Christina - Two $10,000 wins

12/27/82 - with Vicki Lawrence and Fred Grandy - Roanne vs. Christina

12/28/82 - Christina vs. Irene - $10,000 win

12/29/82 - Christina vs. Marshall

12/30/82 - Christina vs. Lani - $25,000 win

12/31/82 - Lynn vs. Fernando - $10,000 win

1/3/83 -  with Abby Dalton and Peter Bonerz - Fernando vs. Sandy - $10,000 win

1/4/83 - Sandy vs. George - $25,000 win

1/5/83 - Gary vs. Karen

​1/6/83 - Gary vs. Karen again

1/7/83 - Karen vs. Anthony

1/10/83 - with Billy Crystal and Lynn Redgrave - Anthony vs. Kathy - $10,000 win

1/11/83 - Kathy vs. Tony

1/12/83 - Tony vs. Noelle - Only 1 point is scored in a round!

1/13/83 - Noelle vs. Ted

1/14/83 - Ted vs. Jenny - $10,000 win in 31 seconds and then a $25,000 win!

1/17/83 - with Didi Conn and Lou Richards - Nancy vs. Pat - $10,000 win and a 1 point round!

1/18/83 - Nancy vs. Renee

1/19/83 - Renee vs. Irene - $10,000 win

1/20/83 - Renee vs. Carla

1/21/83 - Renee vs. Harry - $10,000 win

1/24/83 - with Maureen Reagan and Robert Mandan - Renne vs. Donna - $10,000 win

1/25/83 - Donna vs. Pamela - $10,000 win

1/26/83 - Donna vs. Kitzy - $10,000 win

1/27/83 - Kitzy vs. Beverly - $10,000 win

1/28/83 - Beverly vs. Joe

1/31/83 - with Adrienne Barbeau and John Schuck - Joe vs. Connie

2/1/83 - Connie vs. Andrea - TWO $10,000 wins

2/2/83 - Connie vs. Andrea - $10,000 win

2/3/83 - Andrea vs. Mark

2/4/83 - Andrea vs. Marianna - $25,000 win

2/7/83 - with Anita Gillette and LeVar Burton - Linda vs. Connie - $10,000 win

2/8/83 - Connie vs. Sandy

2/9/83 - Sandy vs. Sue

2/10/83 - Sue vs. Claire - I currently work with Claire Peters-Reinschmidt at Chaffey College!

2/11/83 - Claire vs. Jill - TWO $10,000 wins - Claire keeps on winning!

2/14/83 - with Audrey Landers and Richard Kline - Claire vs. Jill - $10,000 win is reversed!

2/15/83 - Jill vs. Mark - TWO $10,000 wins

2/16/83 - Jill vs. Mark rematch

​2/17/83 - Mark vs. Holly

2/18/83 - Mark vs. Kitty - $10,000 win

2/21/83 - with Nancy Dussault and Richard Dean Anderson - Kitty vs. Molly

2/22/83 - Kitty vs. Molly - $25,000 win

2/23/83 - David vs. Julie - $10,000 win is reversed!  Tie breaker and Double Tie Breakers are played

2/24/83 - Julie vs. Gina - $10,000 win

2/25/83 - Julie vs. Eric

2/28/83 - with Vicki Lawrence and Barry Gordon - Eric vs. Judy - $10,000 win

3/1/83 - Judy vs. Robyn

3/2/83 - Judy vs. Maureen - $100 is taken away from a contestant after the commercial break

3/3/83 - Judy vs. Maureen - $10,000 win is reversed

3/4/83 - Judy vs. Avis - TWO $10,000 wins

3/7/83 - with Constance McCashin and Nipsey Russell - Avis vs. Terry

3/8/83 - Terry vs. Hazel - $10,000 win

3/9/83 - Hazel vs. Charles

3/10/83 - Charles vs. Janet - $10,000 win

3/11/83 - Charles vs. Michelle - $10,000 win

3/14/83 - with Denise Miller and Brian Mitchell - Charles vs. Marilee - $10,000 win

3/15/83 - Sandy vs. Denise

3/16/83 - Sandy vs. Julie - $25,000 win

3/17/83 - Frank vs. Cindy

3/18/83 - Frank vs. Cindy rematch - TWO $10,000 wins - The second one happens on the buzzer!

3/21/83 - with Rita Moreno and Robert Pine - Frank vs. Cindy 3rd time

3/22/83 - Frank vs. Christine - $10,000 win

3/23/83 - Christine vs. Casey - $10,000 win

3/24/83 - Christine vs. Michael

3/25/83 - Christine vs. Laura

3/28/83 - with Florence Henderson and Earl Holliman - Christine vs. Kurt

3/29/83 - Kim vs. Krina

3/30/83 - Kim vs. Marijon

3/31/83 - Kim vs. Susan

4/1/83 - Susan vs. Sharon - $10,000 win

4/4/83 - with Patty Duke and Jay Johnson - GSN Skips this show but I do have it

4/5/83 - Sharon vs. Diane - $10,000 win

4/6/83 - Charlie vs. Margie - GSN SKIPS THIS SHOW

4/7/83 - Charlie vs. Sandi - $10,000 win

4/8/83 - Sandi vs. Cindy

4/11/83 - with Lois Nettleton and Michael McKean - Cindy vs. Faith - First time the 7-11 appears

4/12/83 - Faith vs. Patte - $10,000 win on the buzzer!

4/13/83 - Patte vs. Joe

4/14/83 - Joe vs. Valerie

4/15/83 - Valerie vs. Dawn - $10,000 win

4/18/83 - with Abby Dalton and Robert Mandan - Dawn vs. Eric

4/19/83 - Dawn vs. Diane - Triple tie-break with a $10,000 and $25,000 win!

4/20/83 - Michael vs. Cindy

4/21/83 - Michael vs. Rhonda

4/22/83 - Michael vs. Valerie - $25,000 win

4/25/83 - with Denise Miller and Peter Bonerz - Barbara vs. Pam - $25,000 win

4/26/83 - Bob vs. Carol

4/27/83 - Bob vs. Rhonda

4/28/83 - Rhonda vs. Claire

4/29/83 - Rhonda vs. Claire - $25,000 win

5/2/83 - with Lynn Redgrave and Charlie Siebert - Marion vs. Ellen

5/3/83 - Ellen vs. Nancy - $25,000 win

5/4/83 - Lori vs. Sam

5/5/83 - Lori vs. Margaret

5/6/83 - Lori vs. Ramona - $10,000 win

5/9/83 - with Vicki Lawrence and LeVar Burton - Lori vs. Nina

5/10/83 - Lori vs. Kathy

5/11/83 - Kathy vs. Deborah - $10,000 win

5/12/83 - Kathy vs. Dan

5/13/83 - Kathy vs. Tonya - $10,000 win

5/16/83 - with Markie Post and Richard Kline - Terri vs. Beth

5/17/83 - Terri vs. Ron - $10,000 and $25,000 wins

5/18/83 - Melody vs. Jan

5/19/83 - Melody vs. Daralyn

5/20/83 - Daralyn vs. Gail - $10,000 win

5/23/83 - with Constance McCashin and Brian Mitchell - Johnny Gilbert announces

5/24/83 - Berri vs. Chris - $10,000 win

5/25/83 - Chris vs. Lori

5/26/83 - Chris vs. Peggy - $10,000 win

5/27/83 - Peggy vs. Sonya

5/30/83 - with Jo Anne Worley and Barry Gordon - Sonya vs. Jill - $25,000 win

5/31/83 - Joanie vs. Gail

6/1/83 - Joanie vs. Don

6/2/83 - Joanie vs. Marti - $25,000 loss overturned!

6/3/83 - Paula vs. Liz

6/6/83 - with Betty White and Soupy Sales - Paula vs. Peggy

6/7/83 - Penny vs. Kevin

6/8/83 - Penny vs. Kevin rematch

6/9/83 - Penny vs. Laura

6/10/83 - Penny vs. Linda - $10,000 win

6/13/83 - with Audrey Landers and Grant Goodeve - Linda vs. Brenda - $10,000 win

6/14/83 - Brenda vs. Sharon

6/15/83 - Brenda vs. Sharon - $10,000 win

6/16/83 - Brenda vs. Bill

6/17/83 - Brenda vs. Meg

6/20/83 - with Elaine Joyce and Charlie Siebert - Melissa vs. Linda - $10,000 win

6/21/83 - Melissa vs. Janice

6/22/83 - Melissa vs. Deb - TWO $10,000 win

6/23/83 - Melissa vs. Deb re-match

6/24/83 - Deb vs. Teresa - $10,000 win

6/27/83 - with Deborah Adair and Terry Lester - Deb vs. Mark - $10,000 win

6/28/83 - Lanea vs. Carole - $10,000 win

6/29/83 - Carole vs. Michael - $10,000 and $25,000 wins

6/30/83 - Barbara vs. Cathy

7/1/83 -   Cathy vs. Sharon

7/4/83 - with Linda Kelsey and Richard Kline - Sharon vs. Janet - $10,000 win in :30

7/5/83 -   Janet vs. Judy

7/6/83 -   Janet vs. Judy re-match

7/7/83 -   Janet vs. Jay - $10,000 win

7/8/83 -   Jay vs. Nina

7/11/83 - with Michael J. Fox and Denise Miller - Jay vs. Cheryl - $10,000 win

7/12/83 - Cheryl vs. Gail

7/13/83 - Cheryl vs. Jeff - Triple tie-breaker and single tie-break - $10,000 win

7/14/83 - Cheryl vs. Sharlene

7/15/83 - Sharlene vs. Carol - $10,000 win

7/18/83 - with Abby Dalton and Roger E. Mosley - Carol vs. Janet - $25,000 win

7/19/83 - Jobe vs. Shelley

7/20/83 - Shelley vs. Nan

7/21/83 - Nan vs. Paula - $25,000 win

7/22/83 - Gordon vs. Tamara - Terrible second bonus round - only $50 won!

7/25/83 - with Patty Duke and John Moschitta Jr. - Gordon vs. Pam

7/26/83 - Gordon vs. Margot - $10,000 win

7/27/83 - Gordon vs. Jean

7/28/83 - Gordon vs. Beverly - $10,000 win

7/29/83 - Mark vs. Suzanne

8/1/83 - with John Schuck and Lynn Redgrave - Suzanne vs. Nancy - $10,000 win on the buzzer

8/2/83 - Nancy vs. Suzie

8/3/83 - Nancy vs. Stephanie

8/4/83 - Nancy vs. Jim

8/5/83 - Nancy vs. Teresa - $10,000 win in 36 seconds

8/8/83 - with Melody Thomas Scott and Tony Danza - Dale vs. Joanna

8/9/83 - Joanne vs. Deidre - $10,000 win

8/10/83 - Joanne vs. Lanea - $10,000 win

8/11/83 - Lanea vs. Julie

8/12/83 - Lanea vs. Julie - $10,000 win - Tony Danza's infamous episode - many bloopers with the target word being given as a clue!

8/15/83 - with Jill Whelan and Philip McKeon - Lanea vs. Margaret

8/16/83 - Kelly vs. Ron - $10,000 win

8/17/83 - Kelly vs. Diane

8/18/83 - Kelly vs. Diane - $10,000 win

8/19/83 - Kelly vs. Cathy

8/22/83 - with Anita Gillette and LeVar Burton - Cathy vs. Dirk - $10,000 win

8/23/83 - John vs. Ruth - blind contestants play

8/24/83 - Cathy vs. LaRae Dillman - $10,000 win

8/25/83 - LaRae vs. Linda - $10,000 win

8/26/83 - LaRae vs. Deborah

8/29/83 - with Constance McCashin and Nipsey Russell - Deborah vs. Nancy - $10,000 win

8/30/83 - Deborah vs. Nancy - $10,000 win

8/31/83 - Nancy vs. Tony - $10,000 win

9/1/83 - Sue vs. Maryanne

9/2/83 - Sue vs. Terri - $10,000 win

9/5/83 - with Earl Holliman and Denise Miller - Terri vs. Kathy - $10,000 win

9/6/83 - Kathy vs. Ellen - $10,000 win at the buzzer

9/7/83 - Kathy vs. Ron - $10,000 win

9/8/83 - Ron vs. Peggy

9/9/83 - Ron vs. Linda

9/12/83 - with Vicki Lawrence and Harry Anderson - Ron vs. Sharon

9/13/83 - Ron vs. Sharon again

9/14/83 - Sharon vs. Cheryl - $10,000 win

9/15/83 - Sharon vs. Bunny - $10,000 win - 3 tie-breakers are played - Harry Anderson reads the answer in 1st winners circle.

9/16/83 - Bunny vs. Tamma - $25,000 win

9/19/83 - with Audrey Landers and Charlie Siebert - John Gose vs. Abby - 2nd season premiere

9/20/83 - John Gose vs. Roxanne - TWO $10,000 wins

9/21/83 - John Gose vs. Roxanne again

9/22/83 - John Gose vs. Gina

9/23/83 - John Gose vs. Sharie - $10,000 and $25,000 wins for John!

9/26/83 - with Markie Post and Richard Kline - Laura vs. Cathy

9/27/83 - Laura vs. Cathy - $10,000 win and $25,000 wins

9/28/83 - Joyce vs. Josh - Bad 2nd winners circle - only $150 won!

9/29/83 - Joyce vs. Terri

9/30/83 - Barbara vs. Dolly

10/3/83 - with Rita Moreno and Michael Spround - Dolly vs. Sherry

10/4/83 - Dolly vs. Judy

10/5/83 - Dolly vs. Debby - $10,000 win

10/6/83 - Dolly vs. Debbie - $10,000 win

10/7/83 - Debbie vs. Lori - $10,000 win

10/10/83 - with Shelley Smith and Bill Cullen - Lori vs. Susan - $10,000 win

10/11/83 - Susan vs. Bettes - $10,000 win

10/12/83 - Susan vs. Matthew - $10,000 win

10/13/83 - Susan vs. Marilyn - $10,000 win

10/14/83 - Judy vs. Jennifer - $10,000 win

10/17/83 - with Martha Smith and Ken Kercheval - Judy vs. Carol

10/18/83 - Carol vs. Mari - $10,000 win

10/19/83 - Carol vs. Jamie

10/20/83 - Carol vs. Drew

10/21/83 - Carol vs. Donna - $10,000 win

10/24/83 - with Betty White and Ed Begley Jr. - Judy vs. Mary - $25,000 win

10/25/83 - Susan vs. Eric

10/26/83 - Susan vs. Laura

10/27/83 - Susan vs. Allen

10/28/83 - Allen vs. Sue - 1 point scored in a round! $10,000 win

10/31/83 - with Lauri Hendler and Grant Goodeve - Sue vs. Steve

11/1/83 - Steve vs. Cheryl

11/2/83 - Steve vs. Amby - $10,000 win

11/3/83 - Amby vs. Richard - $10,000 win

11/4/83 - Amby vs. Debbie

11/7/83 - with Vicki Lawrence and Charlie Siebert - Peggy vs. Cindy

5/6/85 - with Patty Duke Astin and Brian Mitchell - Rani White vs. Lisa

5/7/85 - Lisa vs. Suzette

5/8/85 - Suzette vs. Michael - $10,000 win

5/9/85 - Suzette vs. Debbie - $10,000 win

5/10/85 - Suzette vs. Amy

5/13/85 - with Vicki Lawrence and Nathan Cook - Suzette vs. Terri

5/14/85 - Terri vs. John - $10,000 win is overturned!

5/15/85 - Terri vs. Karen

5/16/85 - Karen vs. Tamby - $10,000 win

5/17/85 - Tamby vs. Katherine - $10,000 win

5/20/85 - with Betty White and Joel Brooks - Katherine vs. Peggy - $25,000 win

5/21/85 - Katherine vs. Gerrick - $10,000 win and the second round ends after only 4 subject are played

5/22/85 - Katherine vs. Henry - Players tie with only $150 won in each bonus round!

5/23/85 - Katherine vs. Henry re-match

5/24/85 - Cathy vs. Mary Lou

5/27/85 - with Mary Cadorette and Henry Polic II - Cathy vs. Debbie - $10,000 win on the buzzer!

5/28/85 - Cathy vs. Joan - $10,000 win

5/29/85 - Cathy vs. Scott - $10,000 win

5/30/85 - Cathy vs. Patty - $25,000 win

5/31/85 - Mike vs. Faith

6/3/85 - with Melody Thomas Scott and Roger E. Mosley - Mike vs. Dana

6/4/85 - Mike vs. Amy

6/5/85 - Amy vs. Sherrie

6/6/85 - Sherrie vs. Pam

6/7/85 - Sherrie vs. Mark - $10,000 win

6/10/85 - with Elaine Joyce and Richard Kline - Sherrie vs. Mark - $10,000 win

6/11/85 - Susan vs. Rick

6/12/85 - Rick vs. Jody - $10,000 win

6/13/85 - Jody vs. Robbie

6/14/85 - Jody vs. Belinda

6/17/85 - with Shelley Smith and Charlie Siebert - Belinda vs. Martha - $10,000 win

6/18/85 - Belinda vs. Pauline

6/19/85 - Belinda vs. Javier - $10,000 win

6/20/85 - Belinda vs. Susan

6/21/85 - Susan vs. Pam

6/24/85 - with Florence Henderson and Jay Johnson - Pam vs. Adrienne

6/25/85 - Pam vs. Debbie

6/26/85 - Debbie vs. Jane

6/27/85 - Jane vs. Wes

6/28/85 - Wes vs. Marilyn

7/1/85 - with Lauri Hendler and Nathan Cook - Marilyn vs. Rick

7/2/85 - Marilyn vs. Shelley

7/3/85 - Shelley vs. Carol

7/4/85 - Shelley vs. Vicki - $10,000 win

7/5/85 - Shelley vs. Rebecca - Only $150 won in the 2nd winners circle - Terrible!

7/8/85 - with Jo Anne Worley and Henry Polic - Rebecca vs. Sally

7/9/85 - Sally vs. Rick

7/10/85 - Sally vs. Jeannine

7/11/85 - Sally vs. Susan

7/12/85 - Sally vs. Anita

7/15/85 - with Martha Smith and Earl Holliman - Karen vs. Artis - $10,000 win

7/16/85 - Artis vs. Diane - $10,000 win

7/17/85 - Diane vs. John

7/18/85 - John vs. Dana

7/19/85 - Dana vs. Adele

7/22/85 - with Teresa Ganzel and Dick Cavett - Dana vs. Yo-Yo

7/23/85 - Yo-Yo vs. Janice - $10,000 win

7/24/85 - Yo-Yo vs. Jeff

7/25/85 - Jeff vs. Lenee

7/26/85 - Jeff vs. Nancy

7/29/85 - with Constance McCashin and LeVar Burton - Jeff vs. Joseanne - $10,000 win

7/30/85 - Joseanne vs. Stella

7/31/85 - Joseanne vs. Kathy Najimy

8/1/85 - Joseanne vs. Sue

8/2/85 - Joseanne vs. Debbie - $10,000 win

8/5/85 - with Catherine Hickland and Robert Mandan - Debbie vs. Elfie - $10,000 win

8/6/85 - Debbie vs. Cathy

8/7/85 - Debbie vs. Travis

8/8/85 - Travis vs. Patty

8/9/85 - Travis vs. Susan - $10,000 win

8/12/85 - with Mary Cadorette and David Graf - Travis vs. Pam

8/13/85 - Travis vs. Diane - $25,000 win

8/14/85 - Teresa vs. Katie

8/15/85 - Teresa vs. Daryl - $10,000 win

8/16/85 - Daryl vs. Jackie

8/19/85 - with Linda Kelsey and John Schuck - Jackie vs. Dave

8/20/85 - Jackie vs. Carol Anne

8/21/85 - Carol Anne vs. Beth - $10,000 win

8/22/85 - Carol Anne vs. Cathy - $10,000 win

8/23/85 - Carol Anne vs. Frankie - $10,000 win and rough $25,000 loss

8/26/85 - with Lois Nettleton and Howard Morton - Carol Anne vs. Melanie - $10,000 win

8/27/85 - Melanie vs. Dean - $25,000 win

8/28/85 - Melanie vs. Kathy

8/29/85 - Melanie vs. Grace

8/30/85 - Melanie vs. Nancy - $10,000 win

9/2/85 - with Markie Post and Charlie Siebert - Nancy vs. Michelle

9/3/85 - Nancy vs. Gary Reinschmidt

9/4/85 - Gary vs. Karen - $10,000 win for Gary

9/5/85 - Gary vs. Joan

9/6/85 - Gary vs. Gail - $10,000 and $25,000 wins for Gary!

9/9/85 - with Nipsey Russell and Patty Duke Astin - Gary vs. Becky

9/10/85 - Becky vs. Jennifer

9/11/85 - Becky vs. Danette

9/12/85 - Danette vs. Shirley

9/13/85 - Danette vs. Julie

9/16/85 - with Adrienne Barbeau and Richard Kline - Danette vs. Julie

9/17/85 - Danette vs. Tim - $10,000 win

9/18/85 - Tim vs. Ginger - Adrienne Barbeau is bleeped in the 1st winners circle for saying "oh shit" after saying the answer

9/19/85 - Ginger vs. Rosie - $10,000 win

9/20/85 - Rosie vs. Elyse

9/23/85 - with Teresa Ganzel and Ed Begley Jr. - Rosie vs. Jon

9/24/85 - Rosie vs. Bernie - $10,000 win

9/25/85 - Bernie vs. Patti

9/26/85 - Bernie vs. Brad - $10,000 win

9/27/85 - Brad vs. Sheila - $25,000 win

9/30/85 - with Melody Thomas Scott and Bronson Pinchot - Sheila vs. Yvonne

10/1/85 - Yvonne vs. Carl

10/2/85 - Yvonne vs. Janet - $10,000 win

10/3/85 - Janet vs. Linda

10/4/85 - Janet vs. Casey

10/7/85 - with Vicki Lawrence and LeVar Burton - Janet vs. Tracy

10/8/85 - Janet vs. Jodi

10/9/85 - Jodi vs. Dana - $10,000 win

10/10/85 - Jodi vs. Kim

10/11/85 - Cindy vs. Kim - $10,000 win

10/14/85 - with Jackee and Terry Lester - Kim vs. Mary Ann

10/15/85 - Kim vs. Joe

10/16/85 - Kim vs. Lorriane - $10,000 win and Dick's 1968 car blooper

10/17/85 - Sarah vs. Victoria

10/18/85 - Sarah vs. Victoria re-match

10/21/85 - with Elaine Joyce and Dick Cavett - Sarah vs. Richard

10/22/85 - Richard vs. Becky

10/23/85 - Becky vs. Cynthia

10/24/85 - Becky vs. Debbie

10/25/85 - Debbie vs. John

10/28/85 - with Shelley Smith and John Schuck - Debbie vs. Mary

10/29/85 - Debbie vs. Linda

10/30/85 - Linda vs. Corey

10/31/85 - Linda vs. Lori

11/1/85 - Linda vs. Lori - Two $10,000 wins

11/4/85 - with Constance McCashin and Henry Polic - Linda vs. Lori (3rd time)

11/5/85 - Judy vs. Bill

11/6/85 - Bill vs. Sue

11/7/85 - Sue vs. Vicky - $10,000 win

11/8/85 - Sue vs. Anita

11/11/85 - with Teresa Ganzel and Ed Begley Jr. - Anita vs. John

11/12/85 - John vs. Kelly - $10,000 and $25,000 win

11/13/85 - John vs. Kathy - $10,000 win

11/14/85 - John vs. Rochelle

11/15/85 - John vs. Sharon

11/18/85 - with Markie Post and Charlie Siebert - Ed vs. Linda - $10,000 win

11/19/85 - Linda vs. Coral - $10,000 win after the 6th box is replayed after the commercial

11/20/85 - Linda vs. Valerie

11/21/85 - Valerie vs. Karen

11/22/85 - Valerie vs. Mariann

11/25/85 - with Abby Dalton and Ken Kercheval - Mariann vs. Janine - $10,000 win and Car win

11/26/85 - Janine vs. Jerry

11/27/85 - Jerry vs. Kris

11/29/85 - Kris vs. Joanne

12/2/85 - with Howard Morton and Martha Smith - Joanne vs. Lisa - $10,000 win - TWO $5,000 tie-breakers

12/3/85 - Joanne vs. Robyn

12/4/85 - Joanne vs. Bryan - $10,000 win

12/5/85 - Joanne vs. Laura

12/6/85 - Laura vs. Jeannette

12/9/85 - with Mary Cadorette and Earl Holliman - Laura vs. Kris - $10,000 win

12/10/85 - Laura vs. Debbie - $10,000 win

12/11/85 - Laura vs. Devita

12/12/85 - Devita vs. Betty - $10,000 win

12/13/85 - Devita vs. John

12/16/85 - with JoAnn Worley and Stuart Damon - Devita vs. Alda - $10,000 win

12/17/85 - Devita vs. Diane

12/18/85 - Diane vs. Richard

12/19/85 - Diane vs. Sheila - $25,000 win

12/20/85 - Diane vs. Vicky

12/23/85 - Becky vs. Diana - my old neighbor Becky Butler appears as a contestant

12/24/85 - Becky vs. Sandy - $10,000 win

12/25/85 - Sandy vs. Nancy - $25,000 win

12/26/85 - Warren vs. Nancy - $250 to $150 for the days scores!

12/27/85 - Nancy vs. Danette

12/30/85 - with Anita Gillette and Dick Cavett - Nancy vs. Lee

12/31/85 - Nancy vs. Dori - $10,000 win

1/2/86 - Cindy vs. Bev - $10,000 win

1/3/86 - Cindy vs. Wendy

1/6/86 - with Heidi Bohay and Jamie Farr - Wendy vs. Maxine - $10,000 win

1/7/86 - Wendy vs. Gail

1/8/86 - Gail vs. Suzanne

1/9/86 - Gail vs. Suzanne - $10,000 win

1/10/86 - Gail vs. Ron

1/13/86 - Gail vs. Jim - $10,000 win

1/14/86 - Vicky vs. Pat

1/15/86 - Vicky vs. Candy - $10,000 win

1/16/86 - Vicky vs. Lori

1/17/86 - Lori vs. Peter - $10,000 win

1/20/86 - with Constance McCashin and Henry Polic - Lori vs. Cheryl - $10,000 win

1/21/86 - Cheryl vs. Bruce - $10,000 win

1/22/86 - Bruce vs. Patty - $10,000 win

1/23/86 - Patty vs. Tracy

1/24/86 - Patty vs. Maggie

1/27/86 - with Ann Bloom and Michael Spound - Maggie vs. Susan - $10,000 win

1/28/86 - Maggie vs. Barbara

1/29/86 - Barbara vs. Karen

1/30/86 - Barbara vs. Leslie

1/31/86 - Barbara vs. Ron - $25,000 win

2/3/86 - with Patty Duke and Howard Morton - Barbara vs. Patty - $25,000 win

2/4/86 - Doreen vs. John

2/5/86 - John vs. Linda

2/6/86 - Linda vs. Joann

2/7/86 - Joann vs. Darwyn

2/10/86 with Lauri Hendler and Richard Kline - Joann vs. Carol - $10,000 win

2/11/86 - Carol vs. Debbie - TWO $10,000 wins

2/12/86 - Carol vs. Debbie again

2/13/86 - Carol vs. Debbie for 3rd time - $25,000 win and car win

2/14/86 - Debbie vs. Jan

2/17/86 - with Betty White and David Graf - Debbie vs. Chris

2/18/86 - Susan vs. Dori - $10,000 win

2/19/86 - Dori vs. Nancy

2/20/86 - Dori vs. Roy

2/21/86 - Roy vs. Diane

2/24/86 - with Lois Nettleton and LeVar Burton - Diane vs. Stephanie

2/25/86 - Diane vs. Mike

2/26/86 - Diane vs. Cindy

2/27/86 - Cindy vs. Laura

2/28/86 - Cindy vs. Susan

3/3/86 - with Jo Ann Worley and Robert Mandan - Cindy vs. Diane

3/4/86 - Diane vs. Terri - $10,000 win

3/5/86 - Diane vs. Colleen - $10,000 win

3/6/86 - Colleen vs. Perry - $10,000 win

3/7/86 - Perry vs. Karen - GSN SKIPPED - NEED THIS EPISODE

3/10/86 - with Shelley Smith and Charlie Siebert - Perry vs. Melody - $10,000 and $25,000 wins

3/11/86 - Melody vs. Teresa

3/12/86 - Melody vs. J.J.

3/13/86 - Melody vs. Flo

3/14/86 - Melody vs. Pat - $10,000 win

3/17/86 - with Teresa Ganzel and Stuart Pankin - Robyn vs. Ingrid - $10,000 win

3/18/86 - Robyn vs. Jeanna

3/19/86 - Robyn vs. Elizabeth

3/20/86 - Robyn vs. Elizabeth - rematch

3/21/86 - Robyn vs. Elizabeth - 2nd rematch

3/24/86 - with Elaine Joyce and Bill Cullen - Elizabeth vs. Lynn

3/25/86 - Elizabeth vs. Karen

3/26/86 - Diane vs. Wally

3/27/86 - Diane vs. Bonnie - $10,000 win

3/28/86 - Diane vs. Don

3/31/86 - with Florence Henderson and Earl Holliman - Diane vs. Karen - NEED THIS EPISODE

4/1/86 - Diane vs. Carolyn - NEED THIS EPISODE

4/2/86 - Patricia vs. Elaine - NEED THIS EPISODE

4/3/86 - Patricia vs. Marge - NEED THIS EPISODE

4/4/86 - Patricia vs. Marge - NEED THIS EPISODE

4/7/86 - with Mary Cadorette and Nipsey Russell - Patricia vs. Kathleen - $25,000 win

4/8/86 - Kathleen vs. Aleen

4/9/86 - Aleen vs. Norm

4/10/86 - Norm vs. Julia

4/11/86 - Julia vs. Dyette - $10,000 win

4/14/86 - with Markie Post and Barry Jenner - Dyette vs. Katie

4/15/86 - Katie vs. Cindy

4/16/86 - Cindy vs. Frank - $10,000 and $25,000 wins

4/17/86 - Frank vs. Lisa

4/18/86 - Frank vs. Debbie

4/21/86 - with Anne Bloom and Tom Poston - Frank vs. Debbie again

4/22/86 - Frank vs. Deb - $10,000 win

4/23/86 - Kris vs. Jim - $10,000 and $25,000 wins

4/24/86 - Kris vs. Fran

4/25/86 - Kris vs. Sally - The infamous $0 winner circle round!

4/28/86 - with Melody Thomas Scott and Paul Kreppel - Kris vs. Martha - $10,000 win

4/29/86 - Martha vs. Erin - $50 win in the winners circle

4/30/86 - Erin vs. Debra - $10,000 win

5/1/86 - Debra vs. Susie - Second game features a 1 point round!

5/2/86 - Debra vs. Jennifer

5/5/86 - with Betty White and Mitchell Laurance - Jennifer vs. Karen - $10,000 win

5/6/86 - Jennifer vs. Cindy

5/7/86 - Jennifer vs. Arleen - $10,000 win



Guests are Florence Henderson & Earl Halloman - $10,000 win

Guests are Florence Henderson & Earl Halloman - close $10,000 win

Guests are Florence Henderson & Earl Halloman - Friday show with a $10,000 win

Guests are Vicki Lawrence & Howard Morton - last second $10,000 overturned plus a $10,000 win

Guests are Adrienne Barbeau & Henry Polic - 2nd winner circle board gets screwed up!

4 eps with Paul Kreppel and Millicent Martin - Has two $10,000 wins over those shows

1985 - with Patty Duke and Nipsey Russell - Ann vs. Karen - Charlie O'Donnell announces

1986 - with Martha Smith and Robert Mandan - Great production error during Game 1!

1987 - 2 episodes with Betty White and Bill Cullen - Cullen's last TV appearances

12/31/87 - First finale


$100,000 Pyramid with Dick Clark

with Edie McClurg and Paul Kreppel - Cathy vs. Sharon

1986 - with Vicki Lawrence and David Graf - Vicki has a great tantrum over the judge's ruling in the 2nd bonus game!

1985 - with Markie Post and Charlie Siebert - Ken vs. Mel - $10,000 win at buzzer


$100,000 Pyramid with John Davidson

- Guests are Lois Nettleton and Jamie Farr - The infamous "Things in a whorehouse" guess

- Guests are Florence Henderson and Stuart Damon - Classic clue for "things that are stiff"

9/16/91 - with Beth Maitland and Michael Corbett - Hal vs. Jenny





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